Ch | VII (END)

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(Oooo, Kokichi teasing and a bad? ending. Hope you enjoyed my retry of a yandere fic, hopefully it'll be my last--maybe, maybe not. Thank you for reading all the way through!) 

"Do you have an ideal type?"

"Hmm, that's a tricky one since I haven't really thought about it. I guess someone can take care of me? I think most want that too."

"A-Anything else?"

"I want them to be optimistic even at the harshest moments in life, I'll need that energy to keep going myself."

"Do you think you'll ever meet someone like that?"

"Likely not, It's rare to find someone like that. If it does happen I'll take the chance right away!"


"Then why haven't you fallen for me yet!? I fit your ideal type perfectly! What am I missing? Just fucking tell me Shuichi!"

It all happened suddenly, one second they were bonding over watching a movie and everything was swell, the next second Kokichi was threatening Shuichi to a corner with a knife. His hands shaking as he was barely keeping a smile up.

What was once an optimistic male who just seemed so nice and perfect to be anyone's boyfriend was now giggling with tears running down his face. His eyes were dulled, something in him died and that snapped whatever was holding him back.

"K-Kokichi? Why are y-you--"

"God why are you so dense? Aren't I up to your taste? I did everything right! I made myself for you! I changed myself for you! I'm not even who I was anymore!"

"W-What are you talking about..! J-Just put the knife down--"

"You don't realize or care how much I sacrifice for you! You selfish asshole! God why do I even love you so much that I murdered everyone who was a threat?"

"Wait, w-what?"

"I killed them! I killed your idiotic friends! And guess what! Haven't you noticed that none of your relatives tried to contact you? Because I killed them! Hahaha! I did! I really did!"

Shuichi could barely make words let alone move, he was petrified. He was seeing Kokichi lose his mind. His body has hit the wall, he couldn't back away more as Kokichi inches closer and closer.

"What else does it take? Huh, Shuichi? What else should I do? What would it take? How far must I go to prove that I love you?"

"I still d-don't understand --"

"Why don't you seem to notice my heart beats for you?"


"If I have to, I'll open you up and make your heart beat for me too."

By then Kokichi seemed calm in a way, he was in a daze and started mumbling. He played with the knife in his hand as though it was a kids toy, he was out of it. Shuichi took this as an opportunity to escape, being as quiet as possible he shuffled out of Kokichi's arm reach.

And just like that, he bolted off and went immediately to the door.

"Oh, are we playing a game now? Am I IT? Okay~ I'll give you a heads start, you'll need it~!"

His voice echoed in the empty hallways, Shuichi yelled for help but no one responded. It was as though he and Kokichi were they only ones in the dominatory, trying to keep calm the next thing is to find a exit or hide.

There's no telling what Kokichi will do, or what he is capable of. Shuichi went to exits and all were locked, he had to hide. Especially since he heard low footsteps going in his direction.

It felt like a maze going through the halls and there was a killer chasing him like a typical horror game, Shuichi was still thinking about what Kokichi yelled about. No matter how much he tried nothing seemed to click.

It was the first time they met, maybe Shuichi was mistaken for someone else tho when Kokichi yelled his name it sure has to be him or someone who had the same name. The whole thing felt like a fever dream, Shuichi tried to stay calmer during the otherwise stressful situation he was in.

The more he ran Kokichi's footsteps just became closer and closer, it was like he knew where Shuichi was the whole time.

"I've got to make you mine~!"

The first of many times he yelled that phrase, Kokichi was basically chanting it. The more he said it the more likely it would come true, Shuichi was running out of ideas.

"C'mon, why are you running? I'll go back to the perfect husband if you just come back to me Shumai!"

Frantic footsteps followed, Kokichi definitely knew where he was. Shuichi by then started sprinting though he knew it was just delaying the inevitable. He'll surely get caught, and his fate will be decided by Kokichi.

Everything has been decided by Kokichi from the start, had he planned this far Shuichi would call him a monster.

A monster who loves him.

"My darling!"

Out the corner came Kokichi leaping towards Shuichi, both fell to the ground.

"That was fun! Now let's get back inside huh? I'm sure they'll arrive soon as this is the day!"

"W-Who? Who's arriving? What day?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you huh? Well since it doesn't matter anymore now I guess I could tell you everything, but that'll take a while."

Kokichi snickered and grinned mischievously, had he been waiting to tell his long plan.

"You remember that alert you got about the murders? The one I did? Well thing is we were actually supposed to leave the dormitory, but that means I wouldn't be able to see you! So I essentially just edited the alert for your phone."

"So that means..."

"Yup! I made it that we were alone, all alone! I basically kidnapped you, well, that's a strong word. I wouldn't it call it kidnapping."

"You held me captive! That is kidnapping! You isolated me! You monster-"

"Hey hey, watch you mouth Shumai. Sure, I'm a bad person but that doesn't mean I'm a bad lover! What I acted during those days was pure love, you can't say that you didn't enjoy our time together can you?"

It was true, those were happy moments. Kokichi did help him feel better, Shuichi did mean those words but now he can't see Kokichi the same way anymore. It was dangerous to be around him, it could happen again where he'll point a knife at him.

"Like I said before they'll come soon! Let's go back, darling. I'll treat you right, as long as you love me as much as I do to you I won't act that way! I made myself for you anyway!"

Kokichi reached out a hand,

Shuichi stared at it.

It's rare to find someone who's your type, who'll love you unconditionally and who'll change for you. Kokichi had done everything.

Shuichi took Kokichi's hand.

Word count : 1160

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