Chapter XI

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The last few weeks of Maxi's pregnancy dwindled down to days in the blink of an eye. With the help of the servants she was able to finish readying the nursery. It all became incredibly real when the crib that Riftan commissioned to be crafted from red oak arrived at the castle. Sir Hebaron and Sir Ursuline eagerly helped him move the hefty piece of furniture into the nursery. They also graciously obliged when Maxi asked them to move the crib from one place to the next until she felt it was in the right place.

The beautifully crafted crib, blankets and swaddles, and piles of tiny clothes were all ready to be put to use. All they needed was the arrival of their little Calypse. Though they were more than ready and as equally excited and anxious to meet their child, Maxi and Riftan were a little ambivalent about what was to come. Though there had been plenty of sickness, tears, and discomfort along the way, they were both holding onto what was left of the glow of this journey. They knew life would never be the same in just a matter of days. And while they had been anticipating it, it was very suddenly the day.

Maxi awoke to something damp and rough brushing her forehead, and something tickling her eyelids. She opened her eyes to see Roy yawning and retracting his sand papery tongue, clearly the culprit for waking her. She looked out the window to see the bluish light of dawn, still feeling exhausted from her deep sleep. A tiny, pinching pain in her back roused her senses and she turned over in bed thinking it was simply how the baby was lying in her tummy. She nestled into Riftan's chest, breathing in his warm scent while the pain ceased, she was quickly out like a light again.

She didn't know how much longer later she was awoken again with the tiny pain, but she saw the sunrise was rimming the horizon with gold. Roy was still on the bed, seemingly waiting for her to get up. Maxi turned back to Riftan and nudged his arm to wake him.

"Riftan?...Riftan?" she whispered.

"Hmm?...What is it, Maxi?" he asked in a sleep laden voice.

"I think the baby is pinching a nerve in my back. Can you rub it, please?"

Riftan rubbed her lower back where Maxi showed him the pain was. His tender pressure and the warmth of his hands made the discomfort go away quickly. But it returned twice more before the sun fully came up. Both times she lightly tapped Riftan's hand on her and he would rub until it went away again.

After kissing Maxi on the cheek, he reluctantly got out of bed and started to get dressed for the day. Maxi remained laying down and watched as he donned a black tunic, minimal armor, and his navy cloak.

"I'll be at the knights training grounds today, send for me if you need anything. I'll tell Ludis to bring your breakfast on my way out."

Riftan leaned down to kiss her lips and she pulled him closer by the collar. "Don't work too hard today," she playfully told him. He pinched her cheek and kissed the tip of her nose before leaving their chambers.

Maxi's discomfort came and went again by the time Ludis brought her meal. The little pains were a tad bit more noticeable and annoying while she sat in her chair to eat. She deeply rubbed the side of her belly, trying to entice the baby to move and relieve her of the unpleasant pangs. The baby kicked at her pressing hand and obliged by shifting around, but with little room left to move, it was equally discomforting on her bladder and Maxi had to tightly squeeze her legs together.

Noticing her squirming behavior, Ludis asked, "are you alright, my lady?"

"Yes, I'm fine. This little one is just running out of room is all...I think I've got a pinched nerve as well."

Ludis gave her a cheerful smile. "There aren't too many days left of this for you. I'll try to make it as comfortable as possible. Why don't I bring you a loose, airy dress for the day?"

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