Chapter XVII

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During the dinner feast the night before, Princess Agnes arranged to meet with Maxi in the late morning. She also persuaded Riftan to give her another tour of the market and village in the afternoon.

Since they were in the midst of Ignisias the flowers were blooming beautifully, so Maxi suggested they meet for a stroll in the gardens. After attempting and not succeeding in putting Elysia down for her morning nap, Maxi secured her in her sling and headed to meet the Princess.

The sun was high up in the sky when she stepped outside. It was already quite warm out, but occasionally there was a light breeze to alleviate the intensity of the heat.

"My apologies for being late again, Princess Agnes. Elysia wasn't quite done nursing or ready for her nap, so I brought her along rather than keep you waiting," Maxi explained.

Agnes leaned in to get a glimpse of the nursing baby, safely tucked inside the sling. Maxi was a little surprised that the Princess unexpectedly took a closer look and she blushed in shyness. Breastfeeding one's own child was an uncommon practice for women of royalty and nobility, it was a task usually left up to a hired wet nurse. And even though no one could tell she was nursing with the coverage of her sling, Maxi wondered if the Princess would find her odd and immodest. But Agnes only gave her a friendly smile while continuing their stroll.

"Well, Riftan was right, you are quite a doting and attentive mother. Most noble ladies would simply leave their children for the maidservants or nannies to tend to."

"I've never been quite like m-most noblewomen," Maxi sheepishly replied.

"And that certainly is not a bad thing Maximilian," the Princess remarked. "You've always seemed more noble than most."

"Thank you Princess...What was it you wished to discuss with me?"

Agnes seemed hesitant for a moment before answering, "I hope I am not imposing, but I have been wondering how things are between you and Riftan since you had your daughter?"

Maxi also paused before replying to her, trying to gauge just where this question might lead to.

"Things have been very well between us...We still have our tough moments from time to time, but I'd say we're better than ever. Having a family has brought us much closer," she said with a calm confidence.

"Well that's good to hear, not every couple grows closer when they have children. Do you and Riftan intend to have more then?"

"Well w-we have not discussed it yet...Elysia was quite a surprise you see. But I think we both expect to have more now that we have one. I-I would certainly like to have a few more."

"Really?" Agnes sounded and looked slightly surprised at Maxi.

"Absolutely," she affirmed. "I've enjoyed becoming a mother, more than I thought I might...And though Riftan holds no expectation of me, I would like us to have a son eventually."

"I'm sure the two of you will continue to make a beautiful family," the Princess said with a genial expression.

Silence suddenly fell between them as they walked. As the quiet stretched on, Maxi wondered if that was all the Princess had wanted to talk about, surely there was something more for her to request a private audience with her. She was about to ask the Princess if she was enjoying her stay, but Agnes spoke first.

"I hope he is still supporting your role as a mage now that you're a mother, and not trying to coerce you to put it behind yourself."

Maxi was taken aback by her unexpected statement. She now felt she knew where the conversation was heading.

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