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Inflicting a lengthy punishment on the children proved to be more difficult than Riftan anticipated. None of them really put up a fight and tried to get out of it, but the tension was what he couldn't stand. Every time he entered the same room as them, they all got quiet. It made him feel like they viewed him as the thief of their joy and happiness. Though he knew that wasn't the case, at least not for all of them...

No matter how hard he tried to get things back to a normal and make things lighthearted despite their ongoing punishment, nothing changed. And still with no sign of a letter from Maxi to cheer them up, things looked and felt bleak.

Elysia still felt guilty for what happened and became painfully reserved around him. Renier behaved as though he was walking on eggshells. Estelle glared at him every time she saw him. She would be all smiles and happy one moment, then as soon as she laid eyes on him she was intent to murder his heart with her frown. To make things worse she sometimes refused her dinner altogether since she would not get her dessert.

Each time Riftan sent her to bed with an empty stomach, he spent the rest of the night filled with self loathing. He knew she wasn't starving and she had plenty to eat earlier in the day, but it didn't lessen the mental torment. And she seemed completely unbothered by it, as if she knew what her actions were doing to him and she was satisfied by it. But surely she couldn't be that conniving at her tender age.

Then there was Rosslyn, who also returned to being quiet and acted unbothered as well. Unlike Estelle though, he wouldn't even look at his father, not once and not out of shame either.

By the end of the week Riftan was relieved that most of their punishments had come to an end, and Elysia's tea party was set to happen. He was looking forward to it hopefully being a turning point that might get them back on a happier, or at least brighter, path forward.

The morning of her tea party Riftan made his rounds as usual, and after breakfast with the children he spent the rest of the morning tending to matters of business and estate in his study. As it neared lunch and it was almost time for him to get dressed, he went to check on the boys for a moment. Elysia begged and pleaded with them to attend her party, but Rosslyn was very disinterested and declined, Renier would've appeased her and attended, but he decided to keep his brother company.

Since it was a nice day out with spring's arrival they decided to spend time with their horses at the riding grounds. After Riftan checked on them and made sure they hadn't changed their minds on attending, he returned to his bed chambers to change his clothes. He undressed first, then shaved his face so that it was freshly smooth.

Elysia timidly asked him the day before if he would wear something a little different than usual, something not so dark and brooding. And of course Riftan couldn't refuse her. He settled for a crisp white tunic with a high collar that buttoned up all the way to his Adam's apple. The intricate embroidery shimmered with silver thread. Riftan paired the tunic with a long, steel blue overcoat that had a beautiful pattern woven into it. His trousers were a cool grey, and his belt and boots were the usual black leather.

The last thing he put on was his silver pin and chain with the Calypse family crest. And to finish his appearance he combed his hair so that it was nice and neat, slightly swept to the right side and out of his face. With that he considered himself presentable and left his bed chambers to tend to the girls across the hall.

Riftan knocked on their door and entered after announcing himself and being granted permission. A maidservant was helping Estelle put on her shoes while Elysia patiently waited. Much to his relief he received no menacing glares from his youngest.

"Good morning, girls. I see you're both already dressed."

"Good morning!" They simultaneously replied.

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