Chapter VIII

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"What in the hell are you doing here?!" Riftan half shouted.

Maxi, still a bit dazed, was so taken aback by his quick temper that she could only open and close her mouth. When she did not answer, Riftan raised his voice at her again.


At his sharp tone, Maxi suddenly remembered the reason for her visit. Still silent, she timidly held out the letter to Riftan. He snatched it from her and gave it a quick glance before glaring at her again. She couldn't understand why he was suddenly so angry, and seemingly angry at her.

"If that's all, you need to leave," he said fiercely through gritted teeth. When she only stood staring confused at him and did not budge, he again raised his voice. "This is no place for a child! Leave now!"

Maxi was now stunned, shocked. She couldn't decide whether to feel hurt or offended that he had referred to her as a child. She thought the days of him thinking of her as such, were behind them. What is wrong with him?

But just as quickly as he had said it, Riftan seemed to realize his mistake. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as if to dispel something from his mind.

He corrected himself. "This is no place for you! It's dangerous inside, there's hot metals and it's filthy in there..." he trailed off as he realized his pitiful reasons still sounded like a warning for a child. "And what are you doing out here by yourself? How many times must I tell you?! Not to wander alone—!"

"She's not here alone!" Ulyseon shouted as he stepped closer to Maxi and placed himself between her and his commander.

Riftan's eyes flew to the young knight. He had been so caught up in his fit of rage that he did not even notice Ulyseon standing off to the side the whole time.

"Please calm yourself, commander. I don't know what has you upset, but Lady Calypse has done nothing wrong. She does not deserve to be spoken to in such a manner!"

Ulyseon had Maxi shielded beside him with an arm. She was still confused by the hostile atmosphere she found herself in, that she couldn't even be surprised by Ulyseon standing up to his direct superior, his superior that he practically worshipped.

Riftan clenched his jaw and took in a deep breath as if to quell his anger. "Take her back to the castle now," he demanded and pointed sharply in the direction they had come from.

Maxi finally came out of her shock to speak. "Riftan, I-I was only—."

"I said go!" he bellowed loudly, shifting his attention back to her.

Maxi flinched and Ulyseon pulled her behind himself.

"Stop yelling at her!" Ulyseon growled, matching Riftan's fury. He turned to Maxi and started encouraging her back to the castle. "Please come my lady, you should not have to endure such undeserved scolding."

Maxi gave Riftan a doleful look are she turned away and followed Ulyseon back along the path. Fearing that if she did not leave now, the two just might get overheated and become violent. When they were a little ways down the path, Maxi looked back one more time. She watched Riftan with his head hung, slowly turn and trudge back to the smithy, he kicked at a small pile of snow before going back inside.

Maxi and Ulyseon continued their way back to the castle without speaking. Both of them trying to process what had just happened. As they neared the entrance to the castle, Ulyseon broke the silence first and spoke.

"I'm very sorry you had to be subjected to that, my lady. I don't know what's come over the commander, he was in quite a good mood earlier...I'm sure he'll explain himself and apologize once he's had time to cool down from whatever has him so upset."

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