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Hello their boys and girls, here is the next chapter of my Pokémon story which I hope that all of you guys and girls are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is which of the evil teams is the most threatening, for me it would have to be team galactic since they/their leader wants to essentially become god and might have actually been able to do it if not for the main character in the game/show. But that is just me and with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Stepping off of the boat that I was on I made my way to the Pokémon centre to inform Ash mom that he is now at the bottom of the sea, I might have to be blamed for not helping him but in truth their was little that I could do for him, I did not have any Pokemon that could have pulled him Misty, and Brock, out of the sinking ship. I walked past the people who were their that made sure that people were doing okay. While I walked closer and closer to the Pokémon centre I wondered if I should tell Misty and Brocks family the bad news or would the authorities do that... I'll see how well I do with telling Ash mom the bad news before I decide to tell them. When I saw the Pokémon centre I felt like this was going to be one of the hardest things that I would have to do, when I stooped at the doors I watched as they opened up and when I walked in the place was almost empty, while I walked to the PC I looked around the room to see if I could distract my mind from what is going to happen but their was nothing going on here. When I reached it I picked up the phone and began to type in her number as slow as I could, when eventually it did type in all of the numbers it started to ring while I looked at the screen. When it did answer I was a little bit shocked to see that instead of Delia it was my own mother who answered the phone, and she was wearing a top that looked a little bit baggy on her.

Enrica:"hello y/n, what can I help you with?"

Y/n:"well... Sorry what are you doing picking up the phone, I didn't call you by accident did I?"

Enrica:"no, this is Delia house, so why did you call her, have you got some news about Ash for her?"

I nodded.

Y/n:"yes, but can you put her on for me, this is something that I need to tell her."

Enrica:"sure, I'll just tell her to put a top one."

I widened my eyes when I heard that since now I was a little bit curious as to what they were doing that involved Delia, being topless. Soon after a minute of waiting ash mom came in wearing a top which too looked baggy on her like my mom's did.

Delia:"hello y/n, how are you doing."

I took a deep breath and readied myself for the emotions to flow through.

Y/n:"I'm doing good, but there is something that I want to tell you, it's abou-"

Delia:"wait, before you tell me me and your mother wanted to know if you will be going to a place called Porta Vista."

Y/n:"ehh, just give me a moment."

I looked over to a map of the Kano region to see if I can sport this Porta vista place and I do, it seems to be on the way to my next gym battle, I looked back at Delia.

Y/n:"yeah, I'll be passing through there, how come?"

Delia:"me and your mother will be going there and wanted to know if you or ash will be stopping there, speaking of which have you seen him?"

I nodded.

Y/n:"yes... I have seen him but that is why I wanted to talk to you, you see..."

I looked at her and this was much harder than I thought it would be as I just could not bring myself to say this to her."

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