Tentacles attack

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Hello there boys and girls I hope that all of you are having a good day today and are ready for the next chapter of my Pokémon story which I hope that all of you are still enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is do you think that the giant Tentacrule, is still alive in the Pokémon world or do you think it just starved due to it now having enough food to eat. Personally I think it would be the second one as we should have heard something about it if it is still alive but we have not (as far as I am aware) so I am guessing that it is dead. But that is just me and I would love to know what you all think but with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Rushing to the docks with the others I grew angry with Ash, as if he had not been so ideal then we would be on time to get the boat back to the mainland but by the time we got there this ship had long down off the the sea and now we would have to wait for the next boat going back to the mainland, now what are we to do for three hours. Looking over to Ash I gave him a slap on the back of his head.

Y/n:"next time we are in a rush to do something Ash don't stop to look at the shops."

Ash:"hey, why are you acting like this was all my fault, Misty stopped by shops as well!"

Y/n:"after you stopped, so your to blame."


Ash, then reached for one of his Poké balls, while I reached for one of my own poké balls, just before we were going to have a poe on battle Brock jumped in between us.

Brock:"enough you two, let's just calm down, the next boat will only be three hours, so let's enjoy ourselves for those three hours."

We nodded begrudgingly and began to sit down all being tired from the run.

Misty:"oh cute, it's a Horsea."

I pulled out my Pokédex and pointed it at the Horsea, happy that I had found such a rare Pokémon in this place, guess Ash, looking around has its uses, this one looked like it had gotten a black eye from some other Pokémon, hopefully that does not mean that this is a weak one.

Don't own and pretend that it's right eye has a black eye.

Pokédex:"Horsea, this Pokémon is known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water."

I nodded and put it back in my pocket as I placed Dratini, on the ground.

Y/n:"use thunderbolt."

Misty, then jumped in front of Dratini, stopping him from shooting at the Horsea.

Misty:"don't do that, it's already injured and you want to hurt it more, there is not a Pokemon centre on this island."

Y/n:"I know, and when I capture it my mom will be able to get it the attention it will nee."

Then our argument was stopped when we heard a sound coming from the Horsea, when we looked at him it was shooting black ink out of its mouth into the water and it appeared to be making art using its ink, by the time that it was done it had made two Pokémon who looked familiar. Then off in the distance there was and explosion, when we looked over to the explosion a boat was on fire with the sailors on it abandoning ship.

Brock:"oh no the boat!"

Ash:"I wonder what's happening?"

Then Misty, sent out her water Pokémon, to help them while Ash an Brock went to get a boat, did they not learn from the last time they booked a boat, seems like this place is great at getting them destroyed. Then I remembered the Horsea btu when I looked back to where the Horsea, was it was gone, clicking my tongue I walked away angry by the fact that I just missed out on a rare Pokémon?

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