The Beginning (Vixen)

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I'm sorry this chapter is going to suck. I know it's boring so I'm sorry but I'm working hard on this so please comment with feedback and vote☆

          "Vixen!"  I looked up from my plate of food guiltily, "That's your third serving, don't you think you've had enough?"  My mother, in all of her tightly toned glory, raised a dark brow. I knew she was right, but there was a gaping hole inside of me which could not be filled. My older brother smiled slyly and whispered to his mate, Dakota, from across the silver table. With my enhanced hearing I was able to hear his exact words, though he wasn't really trying to be quiet about it anyway.
      "God, you'd think she was a werepig!"
     I inhaled discretely as everyone in the room pretended that they didn't hear him, though they were smiling slightly. I pushed the plastic plate full of the unsatisfying food away. It squealed lightly as it moved and I felt my hole inside me grow even though I felt too full to take another bite. My mother smiled politely and continued chatting with Dakota's family. They carried on though none of them had touched their food for over an hour.           Dakota twirled her blonde hair and blinked her wide brown eyes at my brother, radiating sexual tension so strong it was an astonishment they weren't getting it on right then and there. They were still in the first phase of mating, the physical phase. He licked his lips hungrily, like the dog he was.
        My mother with her slight but fierce frame and dark hair  looked nothing like me, then again neither did my father with his strong build and icy eyes. My brother, Jerad looked much like them both, my father's strong jaw, legs longer than a spider's, and eyes of winter and my mother's dark curls. He was gorgeous by most everyone's standards. He was given high respect and his opinion was nearly as  valued as Dakota's father's opinion-seeing as he was the pack leader that was difficult to do. Jerad also had something else in common with the pack leader(aside from sharing an adoration for Dakota) they also found me repulsive and a shame. Well everyone in the pack did, but having a wolf like me around gave them insurance. It meant if we were ever attacked the attackers could be distracted-or rather the attackers could be given me. I was similar to a peace offering. As the "sick" wolf of the pack I could be given to the enemy almost as an apology and my pack would suffer no serious loss(if any).
    I remembered this as I watched everyone at my table(the others were dismissed from their small tables once the entire table was finished) sigh of relief and impatience. Dakota looked at my brother again, more fierce with sexual frustration and led him away from us. Leaving me to sit with my parents, still talking to her's. I sat irritated because I was not allowed to leave until the room had cleared, I only wanted to hide away. If I wasn't in the room to eat I would rather not be there at all. I stared at my parents though they ignored me, as did Dakota's parents. I stared at their pale faces and sunken in eyes and wondered how such sickly looking beings were above me, as if I were the dead weight.
         They conversed slowly as if knowing how badly I wanted to get away. Finally they moved up the stairs and out of view and I rushed away as well. I was moving as quickly and quietly as I could through the small and crowded house. I froze as Summers, a girl with chocolate skin and sharp teeth noticed me. She growled primitively at me and lunged. I thought she was going to shove my face into the wall and break my nose for the third time that month. I waited and noticed she stopped, everyone had stopped. The air had changed, thickened and I realized why-someone was changing. They were about to find their mate. It was something electric we could all feel in the atmosphere and we froze waiting to see who. Secretly I hated everything about this process. I could feel the tension, the need, and the delight of every wolf, but I would never experience it myself, and even if I did the possibility they would accept me was impossible. Meaning once/if I were mated they would deny me and I would be turned human. Diseased like the Lost roaming around our forest. This only happened once, to a boy who was even below me. The sight was terrible and I could only pray I would never be mated.

     I watched as Carson, a boy who had thick blond hair and was a good friend of my brother's, exploded into a raging twist of golden fur. He was beautiful, he seemed to be glowing. I watched in envy of the girl that would be chosen as his. How beautiful she must be to get him. Something inside me fluttered and pulled me simultaneously. A force which filled my emptiness and pulled my sadness and insecurity to pieces as well as my human form. My  red-brown fur matched my human hair and it appeared to be glowing like Carson's. I needed to run, to run to him. I felt an invisible thread connect us and relief threaded through me, he had accepted me! This boy had kept me, excitement ebbed to him and then I felt his emotion just as strongly, panic. 

        His fear leaked within me which quickly swirled into anger and then I only felt pain. A dark, stabbing pain.
       With a wrench of something unnatural had me switching forms too quickly. Bones and ligaments felt unnatural and foreign, but soon enough I felt normal again. Normal and empty, more ragged and gaping than before. I could no longer feel the presence of my wolf, my other form. I couldn't feel anything aside from the terrible ache in my chest which had me gasping for air as I laid naked on the wooden floor. I flopped like a fish out of water and tried to pull air back into my lungs through the pain.
       Soon my pack was screaming with shock and sorrow, and even a few shouts of glee. "Human" was mixed through out the chaos. At first my muddled brain wouldn't put the pieces together but I realized what they meant as Dakota's parents violently lifted my naked body off the floor miraculously with their small fingers. The pain continued to burn trough me and eat away any shred of happiness I had. Nothing could compare to this flaring emptiness. I seemed to lose time and awareness to the hole eating me away because suddenly we had moved from the house to the boundary gate, the gate where the humans lurked in the darkness of the forest.
       "No! No! No! You can't do this to me! I'm-I'm sorry! Don't put me out there! No!"  And with inhuman strength they ignored me and threw me over the 10 ft. High metal fence which the deranged and diseased humans stuck their dirty fingers through. Their eyes were as blank as their minds and their screams as useless as mine. I was lucky enough that they threw me farther than the horde of the Lost. I could feel my naked body ripple with the force and I shrieked in agony as I felt bones break in my now fragile state.
     A human, forever. Or a human for as long as I survive.
     With that thought I cried into the soil, I cried for my broken bones I cried for the loss of my pack, no matter how cruel they could be.  I cried for the hole the rejection left inside of me, and I cried for the damn recessive genetics which had caused me to stay like that, forever rejected and forever human.
It was morning when I had stopped crying and it was midday when she found me. It was midday when my new life as a human began.

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