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Lisa had been wearing a very flattering dress of emerald green which made the color of her skin pop and her eyes sparkle. She was radiant and she was glaring at me over the coffee table. We were playing chess, her favorite (if I let her win), and I was quickly over taking her. I smiled widely and sipped at my drink, I was about to make my final move and kill her king when suddenly she flipped the chess board over,
"It's a draw!"  She yelled at me and began to laugh histarically at the astonishment painted across my face.
"A draw? Absolutely not, I won!"  I yelled back, still grinning.
"No, you were about to win, but you hadn't made your move yet. So it's a draw."  She stuck her tongue out at me and sipped her drink noisily.
"Is that so?"  And with that I leapt over the table and pulled her to the ground where her steaming drink covered both of us. I pinned her down and tickled her, more specifically her hips. It was an odd place but her hips were extremely sensitive.
"Ah! Dar-ha ha ha-D-Darian! Nooo-haha! Sto-op!"  She squirmed and laughed without control before she somehow slipped a frail hand out of my grasp and began to tickle my ribs.
In the end we both lay gasping and giggling on the floor with spilled coffee and tea and the chess pieces. Her white T shirt stained to hell and my sweats soaked beyond belief, but it had been a wonderful morning, one of my favorites. Full of sunshine and her beautiful smile.
The second part of the morning was just as wonderful, a shared shower to get the coffee off and the permoscuious things it led to definitely made it one of my top 3 days I had spent with her. And we had laid in that bed for an hour just entangled in one another's limbs. We shared a few laughs and we had finally fallen asleep when the floor rattled.
We woke in confusion, wondering what could be rattling the floors. After a few seconds the floor rattled once more with the sound of an explosion following. Bombs. We were being bombed. We quickly pulled on clothes and shoes before rushing from the building. I pulled her into my arms knowing I could move faster, a few more people ran from the building but they quickly became dots in the distance. I moved us as far from the scene as possible trying not to watch as the bombs engulfed our city, our home, our friends. Fire spread quickly and ate away the remains of our life.
I held Lisa as she sobbed into my chest. The worst part of it was listening to her misery. Knowing how much she had lost, her entire family lived in that city. Her closest friends. The only person that survived had been me. I held her tighter as she shook out her fear and her sadness. And then within the smoke I saw something, a few men still walking around, other vampires I was sure of it, but then more men came into the smoke. They wore masks and some kind of weapon, but no weapon could kill a vampire, or so I had thought. Before the vampires had a chance to notice they were hit with something, try screamed in agony and I watched as they crumpled in the smoke, dying. My breath hitched in my throat all I could think of was Lisa.
"I need you to hide. There is someone looking for me. My kind. I don't know who or why, but I won't let them get you."  Before she could reply I showed her a tunnel I created in the forest which led to another city. I had created this had I needed a quick escape route but now it was Lisa who needed to be safe. She tried to refuse claiming she wouldn't leave me, but I gave her no choice. She was the only thing that mattered she had to be safe and I had to find the men in masks. I had to destroy them.
I sped into the smoke and remains of my city, the stench of death all around. The smoke was brown and thick, the bodies were blackened and crisp. I moved silently through the smoke as I spotted a man in a mask, I blended myself into the buildings and I was about to take him out when I felt something touch my back. In panic I pulled it away and turned to find something terrible, Lisa's mother. And in her grip, my love. Lisa stood terrified next to her begging for my help.
"You should have let her die in the explosion."  Before I could register what she had said she shot her own daughter. My world was sucked if all color of all meaning. She was gone and with her the only part of me that mattered was gone as well. Color had faded into nothing and rage consumed me. Before her mother could do anything more I tore her to shreds. I sucked the life out of every person wearing a mask and I tore them to shreds moments later.
When I was done there was no light in the sky, and the smoke had faded leaving nothing but ruins. I dragged myself back to Lisa's body and screamed. The agony tore into me like a knife never could. The claws of pain tore me apart and I found her mother's gun, finally finding a reason and a way to end this miserable existence.

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