Blame Game

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Tessa called you over to blame you for her failing grades in her favorite class; Gym. How do you get a solid failing 10% grade in gym class anyway? Many things can happen here yet in all classes it has to be an F in gym? That's just insane.

"Fuck! How in the hell will I make up this mother fucking grade in time!? School is almost over!!" Tessa was fuming, pointing the entire blame on her own sibling other then herself, not long toss aside a mountain load of mail to which she snarls at once she saw big inky red words on them, once again playing the blaming game more than ever "Fucking no money either. Just fucking fantastic dad, worthless piece of unbelievable good for nothing little shit, all this is already past due date line too! Both of you are ruining my fucking life!!"

The moment she mean began to talk disrespectfully about Cade did she barely even notice your small falter into a thin lined smile. Cade was the best dad ever. For Tessa to begin belittle him clearly talks a lot for itself. Cade was stubborn yes but he was not a useless good for nothing, he is a man who raised two age gaped children as a single father. Alone with no idea on how to properly parent. Cade, your father, did not ever give up on Tessa nor you. Yes he could get a job, make big money, but he has a heart of a new rising inventor within him. He has proven it too. Inside that barn his inventions thrive to one day never malfunction all because Cade believed he could. Cade was the best father to you two, it's just sad your the only one to see that. And your the youngest child.

Tessa can blame you for all you care. But Cade? He doesn't deserve it, he did nothing wrong to be blamed for..

"Waite? Is that a sword?" Tessa drew closer, the child taking two steps back, both sisters having the same amount of distance between them "Give me the sword brat. Or I'll tell dad-."

"Do you have the balls to tell him?"

Tessa takes a step back, mouth agape, not expecting her worthless sibling to talk back to her like this "Excuse me?"

"Do you have the balls to tell dad?" You repeat, backing up another step towards the front door in case you may need to run, continuing on even further then necessary "Tessa you disrespect dad. Our hard working self devoted father. All you care about is your life but not me nor dad's. Just you."

Tessa's face grew slightly pink, unknown if she is embarrassed or more frustrated, still thinks she has the higher ground of this situation. She was the oldest. Her words against yours. "Dad doesn't even love you ya know that? After all, you killed mom."

"Your view on love is blind. Dad's love to you is giving you the best things surrounding richiery and modern time fashion. Your way of love is obsessed with money. Your 'Juliet & Romeo Law' with your boyfriend shows that your taste in men is horrible. So horrid you drain pockets from all your sugar daddies. When no money is present you start another day with a new boyfriend, draining pockets till you can't no more. A repeating cycle for the rest of your life." 

Silence. Tessa had nothing to say back. She thought she was sneaky, being able to have sex behind close doors of this very home never worrying to be caught at all, yet to her horror the child she so blamed all her faults and failures on held the upper hand. Even calling her out on the way too..

A small sigh of exhaustion breaks the silence, your smile thinning little by little "Unlike you dad loves me for all my faults and flaws. In return I show him the love and respect he deserves. No blame was ever placed on me from him. Unlike you I learned how to build a steady sheet of skills because of dad. I made robots that can dance while others exploded.The blame game was never present between us like you to me. He taught me everything a dad, mother, and a big sister should have. He showed me love without a single pointing finger." tears swelled in your eyes but never fell, you held strong to the very end "So Tessa, do you have the balls to tell him about what you feel about him? If not, I'll help you."

Biting the silent bullet Tessa finally backs off. You knew too much. She can't let her dad know what she has been doing behind his back, not with her boyfriend either. Her life will be in shambles.

"I fucking despise you." she growled, grinning her teeth to the point she is going to break them all by accident.

Your smile was gone "That's okay." your grip on your clothing and katana was tighter, ready to head to your room to try it all on, your voice a tad softer then it was before "Unlike you, dad fucking loves me."

The two siblings then separated. One eager to run up to their room and try on this new outfit and see if it fits correctly. The other enraged, horrified, and worried all at once. She had to where to run. All she can do is make it all worse for herself then give it a try and fix her mistakes, she knew that she was useless. And with her sibling she bullied from day one now has Tessa in a chokehold, a leash so tight that if she spoke against either Cade or them her air supply will be cut off completely. Ruining all she has built from day one.

In your room, door closed and locked shut, did you finally try out your clothes given to you by your favorite star. This star knew nothing about your cloth size yet the moment it was on, jump suite with sword attached, were you amazed on how well it fits your chibi frame. How did he know? You will ask that next time you see him.

Staring at yourself within your body mirror you noticed something. Before Cade that star was always with you. He was there for your eyes to open, your first crawl, your first laugh, your first steps, he was even there for your first word. This star, the one who send you to this family, was watching over you every chance he can get. Just like Cade, he was also there. He taught you to hone your powers, learn to make mistakes and improve, make use with what you have around you.He was the reason you think out of the box most of the time. Proving that in every dead end there is always a way out. All you need to do is find it....

Unlike Tessa, you were loved dearly by two people; Cade and Star.

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