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The amount of wood in this desert was tree deed trees and random logs. Bumblebees mostly had those in servos as the smaller human, who diabolically seared her own flesh and blood in the public eye, carries many twigs and whatever is small enough to carry back. The yellow alien robot was far ahead, faster, and bigger, so the smaller being came when he set it up. Throwing all you had in the center and flop onto the ground like a starfish. Sweating due to the heat of this very desert..

Bumblebee observes, laughing "Hard work done, now let's start the fire!" mixed voices came from him as he plucked up the small being, just to move you away from what he is about to do, watch his servo turn into a massive gun. One shot and fire starts up.

The three remaining humans were not as helpful. In fact, Tessa was the one who kept trying to inform Cade, your dad, to ground you and treat you like shit. She tried yet failed. Even her boyfriend, sneaky mother fucking link, seems to stay quiet on the terms of keeping his sanity and relationship. Shawn was turning into the victim and he knows it..

"You two did good." Optimus soft smile was rare, especially when it's times like this "One of the humans will need to be kept in alt mode and sleep. Tessa has Drift, Cade with me, and Shawn with Hound."

"I'll take the rascal!"

Small eyes and two blue optics land on the green trench coat, eager to take the task "Plus, unlike most here, that one may be small but sure as hell knows what to say! What you say? Come on now, it's getting dark out here!"

"I believe he was going to ask me first ya uncultured swine!" Bumblebee, with mixed voices, grew some what angry by Crosshair presence.

Optimus however allows it "Than it is settled. Bee, had over (Y/N)." and he didn't want to, weird sounds coming out of him, only for Crosshair to smile in glee after you were in his servos, in his care.

The first thing he did was set the small being on his shoulder, which seems everyone of them are willing to place the smaller human there, as he walks off to escape the chaos Tessa is creating. He only stayed because he believed Optimus was going to say something when he disappears. So, here he was, your still on his shoulder plate, eyes train of the flickering orange red flames.

"Yo, uh, can I like, have my kid back? Y'all not once let my mini me to roam or be by themselves much." Cade, betrayed by his eldest, looks up to Crosshair with a fatherly concern plead for his sweet younger child, nothing similar to Tessa whatsoever "Plus, I have some stuff from that gas station. Uh, like, three jerky sticks?"

Crosshair narrows his optics "Sure thing, return the squirt after. Captain's orders ya hear?" the smaller human was allowed down, in reach of Cade, to only divert his attention to the remaining crew.

What is left of the good side..

Cade picked up his child, making sure your good since it is so dark now, before sitting down to pull out three jerky sticks. Each were teriyaki flavor.


He noticed half a jerky stick was snapped in half, for him to take. Seeing this he accepts it after ruffling up your hair. Even surprising him as your small bag held water bottles. Appreciating the thought of sharing food rations neither knew each had in their pocket nor small back pack.

Yet Tessa saw this, coming back with her poor age gape romeo in hand, they too come to sit on the same log, near her father who isn't fatherly to her no more, just to stare at them as if expecting something in return.


Both child and father blink, more then once, Tessa voice grew more needy by the second "Are you deaf?"

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