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A long nap was needed in order to functionalize the body and soul in order to deal with all the cons in this mess up world; Tessa in fact is 99% of those many cons. 

The fact you wake up to her shouting like a chimpanzee only meant that Cade is back or possibly Cade did something very bad to which leads into Tessa scolding him badly. Most likely the second choice. It is surprising on how Cade can handle being treated horribly by his eldest daughter, for the littlest things even, to which proves that Cade had a stronger mentality and devoting than most people do. Honestly if he does snap one day, that day Tessa will be sent one hundred feet deep into her very deep grave.She earns it if that day comes any time soon.

"Your dad bought a fucking truck home kid." Your mentor chimes, seems he was just hanging out in your room while you slept for however long it was, then looks down at you with a rather bored look written in his features "Tessa rather more quiet than usual. Did you do something?"

Quiet? Tessa is never quiet. The only time she is quiet is food or her finally asleep. That is all. 

Stretching you hop off your extra large bean bag, swaying side to side slightly "I did do something involving her lack of respect and love for dad." a small yawn escapes your lips, eyelids still heavy, soon saying thank you to the cup of (F/Drink) offered from the star, who sips away on brewing hot black coffee, continuing on after enjoying a good few sips of (F/Drink) "I even blackmailed her by mentioning her boyfriend and their secret relationship and visits behind me and dad's back too. She stormed off after that."

The star was glowing in pure amusement. He didn't like Tessa at all, Cade was okay, yet Tessa was a true bitch in his naughty list.Honestly she is the top fifteen on his list in fact....

Setting his hot beverage aside he floats down to your level, your minding wandering to god knows where while sipping away your drink without hesitation whatsoever, he was brewing with endless curiosity now, eager to know more about Tessa's reality check  "OOO!! I do tell me more.~"

Indeed you were going to spill the tea for him. Every single bloody detail too.Yet right as your facing the overflowing curious eager star, your name was called from outside the home. Cade was calling you. Hearing it you were ready to storm down there till the star stops you, smiling for once.A rare sight for this star barley smiles.

"When you get to the barn keep a great distance from the truck. Your story is now just beginning."

Just beginning? A question was going to be asked yet it seems the star knew of your new found confusion. So he left you there, wandering in your thoughts in what he meant. Immediately right as you were prepared to clap your hands and call him back your name was called again only louder than before. Taking a second, deep breath in and out finding peacefulness consume you from inside and out, soon ran outside to Cade. Him and Tessa along with a co-worker friend stood outside the barn. Two who look mighty irritated and one eager to get straight to business. Mostly Tessa. She was fuming smoke out her ears like a train would.

"Sup midget!" The co-worker you don't hang out with much greets you, soon pointing inside the barn house "Look what me and your daddy found!Isn't that cool?I think it is damn fucking cool--OW!What the hell man?!"

"Don't cuss in front of my kid!" Cade snaps at him, soon agreeing with him about the cool project he is going to work all night on "Hey there my little mechanic! Daddy got a new project just for you and me to fix up! Wanna see it?"

Of course you do! It is means anything around tools and metal your all in!

The moment the three saw your excitement they let you run in full boar. Once in your at pure awe at what lies before you. In front of you was a truck. Damaged with what seems to be holes small and huge. Like it has been through various areas of different war zones. It was extremely scratched up and rusted to the point the color itself was a murky dirty color of dusty brown. This project will most likely be longer than usual, mostly because this truck truly has been through hell and back. Just looking at it you could just feel the endless list of trauma done to this poor broken truck. Even the pain. Just pure unbelievable utter pain.

"Just imagine the amount of money we could see this sucker for! Yeah it's out of shape but it will definitely be worth all those blood, sweat, and tears!"

Cade endless excitement was clashed against Tessa's frustration and disbelief, not seeing what he sees at all "Yeah but with what money? We have bills to pay and your toying around in this garage doing nothing but fix up junk!" Tessa stops, looking down to see you staring at her with the 'Go ahead.Try me.' look to which she did not like at all, soon fixing her mistake "Listen dad, I love you but we are going to lose the house by the end of this month. Everything will be taken from us."

This being said Cade's co-worker tilts his head in confusion, lost as well as feeling rather betrayed "Waite?So your tell me that your dad is broke?Dude what the fUCK MAN?!"

Cade grimaced at the new found true of his poor self. Luckily due to his youngest being a tad far away from everyone now, wandering around the truck finding the damage more in the further back of it, beggins to brag and argue with the two firecous people in front of him.

"So I bought the truck right?So technically, that is my truck!Don't you think..?"

Cade didn't like that, so being him, he was face-to-face with him rather intimidating the poor man "You also signed a contract regarding all research lab IP research."

"Lab?It's a barn dude."

"You signed it and now you're competing.Any ideas of yours is mine and any thoughts you have I own it. So basically, I own you!" 

He wasn't intimidated by Cade, rather more confuzzled than ever "I don't think you can own someone. That was like a while ago, even in Texas." From this Cade gave up, only focusing on seeing what he needs to do to fix this truck now.

Quickly he got on his lab coat and snatch his safety mask, soon giving orders like nothing ever happened "Alright. Bring the torches over and help me with the pulley army. I think the shrapnel took out the power." soon snatches a good looking mallet just to face Tessa without a single sign of regret "And Tessa?See this?" he hits it with the mallet, scaring Tessa but also not understanding why Cade doesn't see her own point of view.

They didn't tell you one thing. This truck, the one before you, was a Autobot. The leader known as Optimus Prime.Humanities new dangerous enemy.

Satisfied he toss it aside, attention on Tessa again, a clear as day sign he was ready to work his magic "Would a alien machine let me do that? Look I'll make the call and then make the money but first just let me see if i'm right?" Both of them didn't like the idea but Cade wasn't giving in, he had to see it himself, to see if he did find and bought a Autobot to his barn "You want to go in the house?Go straight ahead."

Tessa did not hesitate.

Once you round the corner Tessa was RUNNING to the porch of your small house. Your confuse why she storms off like that. However you found something you wish to show Cade and his coworker friend; A missile. You found a missile in the sheer back of this truck, it was stuck between the cables to which could have collided into the engine if it had enough force by that time. It should have too but apparently didn't. It was in one peice by your sheer luck.Yet it is unknown if it's alive or dead...

The moment Cade saw it he gleems up in joy "Yes!Just what I was looking for!!" not long picks you and the missle up just to go ahead and test it out while your behind him...you moved far away from both truck and missile.

"What is that?Looks like a missle..?"

"It is a--!"

Then it happened. Cade eniteds it to life. Immediately it went into different directions to the point it flew out the barn itself.  No one was hurt in the barn. However unknown to you all the missile went inside the house with Tessa. No one knew it did till she runs out scared shitless by it.

"When you get to the barn keep a great distance from the truck. Your story is now just beginning."

You understood. You deeply understood what the star meant now. Now realizing it you were eager to get both Cade and his coworker away from the truck, something it definitely not right here.

Cade picks up his mask, once on the floor taking cover, now in pure disbelief "Holy shit.."

Sparks flew and the sound of mechanical transformation occurs. Everyone backing away as the truck roars in life once again. Only it was not any truck. It was a transformer. A living Autobot . 

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