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The leader of the Autobots was truly in a sheer amount of shambles however was also in overdrive due to past events, way before Cade accidently revive him with a missle. For instance, the unaware conscious leader is trying to stand and fight not realizing it is inside a barn warehouse. Three humans inside trying to not be smashed up like homemade mash potatoes below him.

Key word: Trying.

"I'll kill you!" The two adults felt as though he meant that, dodging falling objects and merely almost being back hand slapped across the warehouse, however you could not help but feel pity for this robot being while running for your life "Stay back!I-I'll kill you all!"

Cade managed to run away from the falling ladder, one that was attached to the ground, for which tuck-&-roll's out to safety. His coworker friend hides behind a work desk full of tools for it to only be slammed and flipped over leading to him screaming like a cry baby would, only to back crawl further away from the entrance. And you? You use your Ope-Ope No Mi. The moment you spot an area out of range from danger you didn't hesitate to pick up a small screw. Once aligned you threw it towards that direct, and once it made it safely there, you quickly swapped places with it. Safe and out of danger.

By the time Cade, who sworn you were across the other side of the room  mere seconds ago, immediately gets up for his eldest daughter was running towards the barn, screaming about the missile in the family room.

"Dad!Dad!T-There is a missl--OH MY GOD!!"

Cade held her still as the leader now notices the humans below him, intimidating and menacingly towards all of them, pulling out a gun loaded and ready to fire "I'll kill you!Stay back!"

Cade pulled Tessa behind him, due to her being the closes, unsure if he could escape alive with his two children "WOAH!Don't shoot!Don't shoot!!"

Then the dumbest thing happened. Besides being threaten the flight-or-fight drive took over Cade's friend. He sits up and sees the gun just to says out aloud " Call 911!Call 911 rUN!" to which the outcome of his stupidly results in him being bashed in the face with the leaders deadly weapon.


So his name was Lucas? Good to know.

Lucas groans, pain still regersiting at the moment. He was not planning to sit up or move any time soon either.

"Lucas don't move." Lucas sits up slowly, unsure what to do at gunpoint, Cade telling him what to do "Just calm down."

Reloading it's gun, it points it over the humans before it, which was Lucas "Easy human."

Glancing back at Cade, who seems to see what is going on, soon find yourself approaching the tall robot "He is not going to hurt us." as he drew closer he made sure his youngest was beside him, in case something does go wrong.

"Weapons system damaged." it backs up, like a scared animal, the two of you growing ever so closer to him. Unsure about everything.

Cade nods in understanding, knowing exactly why "A missile hit your engine. We took it out of you." he meant you, cause that missile was pulled out by you, continuing further "You're hurt really badly. We are just trying to help. You're in my home now. I'm an engineer and my name is Cade Yeager."

The robot blue dim lighted orbs glanced down to the smaller human, pointing a rather questionable look your way "...And the child?"

Cade looks down at you, very proud even, introducing you to the Autobot without a sign of hesitation whatsoever "This is my mini me. A engineer in training, my youngest child (Y/N) Yeager."

With that being said the robot seems to relax. Let go the heavyweight of fear from his shoulders. However he was confuse. It was a clear as day to see, he truly doesn't know how he got here at all. Even when he gone unconscious. This robot was just.....lost.

"Okay. I am in you two's debt. My name is Optimus Prime." He seems to realize something, panic and worry setting it, his voice showing it all too "My Autobots. They are in danger!" Before he could even try to exit the barn he fell to his knees, tripping himself to the point parts of him falls apart onto the concrete floor, his mind solely set on his people in hiding "I-I need to go!I need to go now!"

Frowning, picking up the parts that fell off Optimus, denied his departure "I'm sorry. But your not well enough to leave. You're not going to be able to get that far like this."

Optimus glanced up, unsure if he heard you correctly, until Cade agrees by jumping on in, picking up the biggest parts from Optimus on the ground "My kid is right. How far do you think you're gonna get?"

Cade turns around to find Tessa slowly backing away. Trying to exit the barn entirely. However her father calls her out. Tessa groans and whines however did as told, for once she was near her father, she see the small child she blames everything on staring dead at her. Watching and observing her ever move like a hawk watching its prey...

"What happened to you?"

"Ambush. A trap set by humans." Optimus coughs up a dusk cloud, proving he was unfit to leave the barn, continues on further  diving deeper into his thoughts "I escaped and took this form."

"You're on our side. Why were humans hurt you?" Finally, Tessa spoke. Good for her.

Optimus frowns, remembering a face he does not wish to remember now nor never "They were not alone." He managed to stand up however most of his weight was set on one leg, a arm over his lower abdomen, and a slight lean to the left other then standing fully straight up. He needs medic treatment, he needs to be fixed. Right now "My Autobot can repair me."

"Yeah. If you can reach them." Cade looks down at you, seeing if you agree with the task at hand, soon placed a hand on your shoulder, facing Optimus with serious will of devotion and determination "How about us?"

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