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Cade never once dared try to wake up his youngest child, kept close and secure in his tired arms, exhausted unlike those who wish to return to their normal lives. Tessa knew she was in deep shit. Her boyfriend knew he was in deep shit. Cade lost all trust in his eldest so quickly. He wanted to scold her. Say so much that needs to be said. However, he remained silent. Nothing but silence for hours on end. That is till Optimus pulled up to an abandoned gas station, popping open both doors, all humans hopping out in the middle of nowhere, transforming into his alt self. He was upset. It's clear as day.

"My deepest sympathies for the loss of your friend. Stay here so I can make sure we weren't followed." Optimus sighs, optics flickering to the sleeping child, to everyone else "We are all targets now." to which he transforms again, leaving them stranded for now..

"So we're hiding now that's the plan?" Tessa boyfriend, the secret sneaky link, clings onto Tessa who knew what is to come. She blames all this on you. Not herself. She is too perfect for the blame "So we're taking orders from a truck?"

Cade fixed himself up, holding your sleeping form bridal style now, staring off as the truck fades away into the distance "Why? You got any better ideas?"

He than turns. Immediately disgust with the shared lovey dovey shit. Hell no. He broke that shit up quickly.

"Dad waite!"

"Don't you dad me missy!" Cade snaps at his eldest child, seeing the disappointment and betray in his eyes herself, to only distance the two love birds further away "I trusted you. I risked so fucking much for you Tessa. I can't fucking believe you."

She couldn't believe it. Those eyes that were so sweet, generous, and strong hearted starred into her like sharpened daggers. She couldn't say anything back. What she done pushed him over the edge and she wasn't fully sure if he will forget and forgive her little fling. I mean, how dumb is she to know the massive effect she caused to go away that easily? What is this? A fairy tale?

It's really funny cause just as Cade got into the gas station, found a sofa to place his youngest on to sleep off this mess up day, Tessa's boyfriend comes on in hand in hand with Tessa. Are you fucking kidding me?

They separated however, boyfriend to the bar and Tessa to the opposite side of the room, silence from all sides as little snores fill the room...

"On the bright side, you guys finally met."

Cade, who was so done with life, chose to respond bluntly as possible "Where's he from?"

"I told you he is a driver from Texas." Tessa, who played innocently with the christmas lights, says with some hint of sass in it. He caught it though. He wasn't shedding mercy on this poor guy.

"Texas?Where Dublin, Texas? Shamrock, Texas? Then why does he sound like a leprechaun?"

"You will get your eyes kicked in Ireland for saying that." He spoke. Matching his little game.

"Oh no, no, no. Lucky Charms were in Texas. And he drives? What do you mean he drives?Like, for a living?"

Tessa nods, answering everything now "Yeah." soon diverts her attention back on turning off and on the christmas lights, mumbling to herself to which her dad heard "You see Mesa living."

"Look I raise rally cars. One driver." He points at Tessa, who was proud of course, as he continuous on "One navigator.Her. By the way I'm totally legit. I just got picked up by Red Bull." He rants, now growing serious "And just to let you know, my life savings were in that car back there."

Wow. And he should care? This is getting ridiculous..

He shakes his head, this was so stupid "This is not happening."

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