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Hazel's head spun as she stuffed everything she could into a small bag as her mom yelled at her through the door causing tears to fill her eyes.

She ignored the yelling as she pretended that her room was soundproof.

Hazel struggled to understand how it started but knew there was always an underlying cause.

After her dad left her mom spiralled and honestly Hazel did too as she was so young and clueless at the time and no matter how old she got she still struggled to understand.

Hazel put the bag on her shoulder as she looked at everything she was about to leave behind.

She looked at the memories before opening her bedroom door.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" her mom said as her voice got louder and more full of anger.

Hazel walked past her knowing the minute she would say a word everything would get worse and all she wanted to do was leave and go to her sister's house.

"Hey I'm talking to you, you little brat" her mom said.

Hazel looked at her mom "I'm twenty Mom I can leave.

I'll call you later I just want to give you time to calm down" Hazel said softly.

"If you walk out that door you can't come back.

You hear me, Hazel!

If you walk out of that door I will fucking disown you so I don't have to deal with your bullshit anymore" Her mom's rage was radiating off of her.

Hazel looked at her mom as tears threatened to run down her face.

She wiped them away quickly "Then I guess I'm not your daughter then," Hazel said before walking out of the small house before looking around.

She knew the consequences but couldn't get herself to turn around.

She looked around before walking to the left as she didn't drive.

She looked at the gravel underneath her dirty Converse before looking up as cars passed her.

Hazel then lit up as her mind finally processed everything that just happened.

She did it.

She finally got out after years of putting up with so much and she did it all alone as she didn't have any friends to help her or any that would understand.

She didn't make friends easily but had one or two friends that were living their dreams.

Hazel once wanted to go to university to study psychology but she never found the time and settled with night shifts at a liquor store.

Time passed as Hazel made her way into the roughest part of the town she lived in.

She hated walking down the dark, rat-infested streets; especially not alone.

She looked around as she became aware of the pocket knife she had in her jeans just in case.

She wasn't that brave but having a weapon helped her feel secure as she jumped at the smallest things as her paranoia swallowed her.

Hazel then walked into an alleyway that lead to her sister's apartment.

It was truly her boyfriend but Hazel had always associated the building with her sister.

She walked through the darkness before hearing gunshots.

She froze as her blood ran cold.

Hazel then looked to her right only to see a group of large men standing around a man that was bleeding out on the dirty floor.

Hazel stepped back before knocking into a dumpster causing the group of men to notice her.

Hazel tried to run before freezing as one grabbed her and slammed her against the wall.

"What do we have here?" one of the men said as he got closer and closer to her causing her to try to get away.

He made her tremble with fear as he caressed her face and neck with his gun.

"Shhh little kitten.

Im not going to hurt you but I don't want you to think you can walk out of this without a warning" he said.

Hazel felt tears run down her face as she whimpered as his gun pressed against her stomach.

Suddenly the man froze as a bullet rushed through his perverted head before collapsing.

Hazel felt light-headed as the group of large men all fell to the ground.

She then looked over to see a tall man with pale skin and raven-black hair that was messy.

His eyes were emerald green as they shinned through the darkness and he was wearing a faded orange button down that was slightly unbuttoned at the top and tailored black trousers that fit him perfectly and freshly polished black dress shoes and a large watch on his left wrist.

He looked at the pile of death in front of him with an emotionless expression as he put his gun away before looking at her.

"Are you hurt?" he asked as his dark threatening voice sent her into shock.

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

He groaned before walking over to her quickly.

"Come on" he said before grabbing her wrist causing her to hiss "Ow" she said as his grip on her wrist only tightened.

He pulled her over to a black Mustang before opening the back door.

" Get in the car," he said before getting into the driver's seat.

Hazel got in the car before looking at him as he began to drive through the dirty streets not caring about how fast he was going as the rush hit him harder than a bullet.

Hazel felt dizzy as she gripped her bag.

What was happening?

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