Chapter 1

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Ah, welcome, you've finally made it. I'll assume you've heard of the Harrington triplets? the infamous trio of killers who murdered over a dozen people before they were finally tracked down and killed in their own home? No? then I guess that's why you're here, to learn about this deadly dream-team. If that is the case, follow me, and we will uncover the secrets of the three Harrington brothers together. And the best place to start? The beginning. The parents of the Harrington boys are unknown, but we do know they came from a pretty wealthy family, and have no other siblings. Now let me introduce the bothers;

Keys, the brain, He makes all the calls and chooses the victims.
Steve, the beauty, does all the killings no one else wants to.
And Kurt, the brawn, the one who does most of the kills, and likes to consider himself the comedic relief.

Since we're starting at the beginning, why don't we jump back to the boy's 18th birthday, the day of the first killing.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Steve crossed his arms, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Chill bro, I got this. Have a little faith in me." Kurt licked his lips, looking through their collection for his weapon of choice. "Last time we had faith in you you accidentally burned down a building." Keys said from the couch, not looking up from whatever he was typing on his computer. "That was an accident! And you gave me the box of matches!" "We were seven!" Steve butted in. "So?!" "Just let it go. Kurt wants to do the first kill, let him have a little fun." Keys shut his laptop and put it on the coffee table, stretching his legs out on the table. "Alright fine, but if you run into any trouble, you abort alright? Anything at all, you call us." Steve stood and patted his brother on the shoulder. "Don't worry about me, I've been doing some research." Kurt grabbed a pillow off the couch, smiling. "How is that supposed to kill anyone?" Steve scrunched up his face. "I have my ways. Trust brother." Kurt assured him, tucking the pillow under his arm. "Who am I killing?" "Jackson Will, 260 Baumar Drive. I'll text you when I'm done with the call." Keys stood, grabbing his cell phone off the table and putting it in his back pocket. "Gotcha."

Kurt got in his car and turned on his live video feed. "Hey guys, what's up, I'm Kurt. I'm on my way to my first killing, super siked. Anyway, I just got here so I'll update you guys later." He held up a peace sign and shut off the video cam, grabbing his pillow and getting out of the car. He'd parked a block away, just in case. He pulled on his ghost face mask and sprinted quickly across the street, climbing into the large house through an open bathroom window. "Hey guys, so I'm in the house, it's almost time!"

Jackson Will was making popcorn when his phone rang. He sighed, picking it up. "His parents were out of town, so he was alone in the house. "Yes?" "Is this Jackson Will?" A deep voice asked. "Y-yes, who is this?" He asked. "You don't need to know that." The voice chuckled. "Why not?" "Because you're going to be dead before the sun rises." Jackson slammed the phone down, his hand shaking. The phone rang again, but he ignored it, taking the popcorn out of the microwave. The phone kept ringing, so he picked it up one more time. "What do you want?!" "It's quite simple really, like a game. If you do exactly what I say, you might be able to save your parents' lives." The man explained. "What?! Where are my parents?! Don't you dare touch them!" Jackson screamed, pacing the kitchen. "Oh don't worry, your parents are safe, as long as you don't get any ideas." "I won't, I promise. Just, please, don't hurt them, their good people. Innocent people." He begged. "Then I trust you'll do as I say?" "Anything!" "Grab a steak knife. hang up the phone and walk into the living room, I'll text you with further instructions." And then the phone hung up. His hands were still shaking as he grabbed a knife and walked into the living room. His phone binged, and he read the text. 'Stab your hand into the coffee table. Think of your parents'.

Jack cried silently as he put his hand on the table and held up the knife. He hesitated, his lips quivering. His phone chimes again. 'Do it or they die' and he let out a sob. He put his hand on the table again, squeezing his eyes shut. He brought the knife down quickly, screaming in pain as the knife lodged his hand to the table. Another text. 'Now the other hand.' "What?! That's impossible!" 'I guess you're going to die then' Suddenly a figure grabbed him from behind him, pulling him to the couch. The knife ripped through his hand and he let out a blood curdling scream as dark red blood spurted from the giant tear in his hand. He was pushed onto the couch and a pillow was shoved over his face. He screamed and struggled for almost five minutes before he ran out of air, and fell still.

Kurt cheered, taking his pillow and running back to his car. "We did it guys! My first kill! That was so epic." He turned on his video feed and took off the mask, putting on his passenger seat. A few people were commenting on his feed. 'Congratulations!' 'That's so awesome' 'you're a psychopath!' He shut off the video and drove back to the house he shared with his brothers. He walked in and showers and changed quickly, throwing his black ghost face outfit in the washing machine. "How'd it go?" Steve leaned against the doorframe of the laundry room. "Awesome! He totally didn't see me coming man." He laughed, licking his lips and running a hand through his hair. "He's dead?" "Yup. Smothered him to death." "Nice one." They high-fived. "I'm going to order Chinese, what do you want?" They walked into the living room, where Keys was grinning. "That was fun, when's the next one?" Kurt sat on the couch beside his other brother. "Nuh uh, next one's mine." Steve flicked him on the forehead as he was walking by. "No fair! You know I love vlogging them!" "Well I'm older than you, so..." "By three minutes!!" "I'd like to remind you I'm older than both of you by like, hours." Keys cleared his throat. "It's not my fault I have a big ass head!" Steve defended himself. "Whatever." Kurt rolled his eyes. "By the way, it's our birthday today." Steve opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. "Happy birthday bros. I'll run to the store and get some ice cream." Keys stood. "Best. Birthday. Ever!!!" Kurt cried out, jumping up.

Have a good day :)

Tear You Apart [Harrington Triplets] [scream AU]✔️Where stories live. Discover now