Chapter 3

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The death of John Doe was another murder that we didn't know about until we found the recordings. We don't know his real name, and no one ever claimed his body. But the brother's didn't stop there. No, they were just getting started.

It had been two weeks since their last kill, and the boys were getting restless. "Can I do one more kill?" Steve pouted when they were sitting at the dinner table one night. "Fine, but then I get a double kill after." Kurt smirked. "Why don't we just do a triple kill? I'll take one and you get two?" Steve put his fork down. "That sounds sick. What do you think Keys?" "Sounds Awesome, as long as I get one too. Being the smart one is nice, but sometimes you get an itch, and you gotta scratch it." His brothers nodded their heads in agreement. "Sounds like a deal. After dinner, we'll pack the car and go have a little fun." He smiled mischievously.

They packed tons of weapons and ammunition, laughing and joking about creative ways to off someone. "How do you think you'll do yours tonight?" Kurt asked. He was driving, Keys was in the passenger seat and Steve was examining a switchblade knife in the back. "I'm thinking of tearing apart limb by limb, I don't get to kill often and I'd like to make the most of it. What are you planning?" He fixed his glasses. "I'm not sure, I guess I'll just go with the flow, break into a house or two." He shrugged, and checked his rear view mirror. "What about you Steve?" "Ax." He grinned, holding up his weapon. "Ooh, that's a fun one." They parked the car and got out, putting on their matching ghost face outfits and masks. "Good luck boys, and may the massacre begin." Keys grinned. They all grabbed their weapons and parted ways, disappearing into the shadows.

Steve creeped down an alley, spotting a man smoking outside his door. The man noticed him, and raised an eyebrow. "It ain't Halloween." Steve strides toward him, ax in hand. "Seriously man, this isn't funny!" The man stumbled back, but it was too late. Steve swung the ax and it lodged in his stomach. The man screamed, and Steve wrapped a hand around his mouth. "Shhh...." He whispered, pulling out the ax and swinging it again. The man fell over, Steve still covering his mouth as he was slowly chopped in half, eventually falling still. Steve had blood all over him, laughing as he hacked away at the man. Once he was finished, he looked around, before sprinting to his car and changing quickly, putting the ax in the back and getting in the passenger seat, opening his phone to check Kurt's live feed.

"Guys, I just got in the house, apparently a couple loves here, no kids, this is going to be fun." Kurt shut off the video and put on his mask, opening the door and walking into the house. He heard moaning and panting from the bedroom, and smirked. He burst the door open, and the couple screamed, pulling apart. "It's party time!!" He shouted, holding up his gun. The couple screamed again as he started shooting, reloading twice. By the time he was done, they were both lying still, with seventeen bloody holes in the white sheets. He reloaded once again, walking around the bed and shooting them each in the forehead once more to make sure they were dead, then searched the house to make sure there wasn't anyone else home. He found a small yellow dog sleeping in the kitchen, with jumped up and barked at him. "Oh, you're such a sweet little thing." he picked up the dog and it quieted down as he scratched it under the chin. He carried the dog back to the car, and Steve jumped out. "Where'd you get the mutt?" "He asked. "Found it in the house. I'm gonna name him sparky." he grinned, taking off Sparky's collar and tossing it into the bushes. He handed Steve the dog, taking off his mask and throwing it in the trunk. "How'd it go?" Kurt asked as they got back in the car, putting the dog in the backseat. A few hours later, Keys called Steve, and they went to pick him behind an abandoned building. "Did you have fun?" Kurt asked as he got in the backseat. "It was amusing, but I think I prefer just making calls." he took his mask off. "Well now you know, you can do all the thinking, and leave the killing to us." Steve smirked.

"Whose dog is this?" Keys grimaced. "Mine, I found it in the house." "What?! If anyone sees you with it, the police are going to catch us immediately!" he rolled down his window. "What are you doing?!" Kurt screamed. "Getting rid of it!" Keys picked up the dog and threw it out the window, and it let out a surprised yelp. "Why would you do that?!" he slammed so hard on the breaks he probably gave them all whiplash, and ran back to the dog, laying in a heap on the cement. "He's dead! You killed Sparky!" he sobbed, pulling the dead dog into his lap. Keys looked regretful as the other two boys got out of the car. "I'm sorry, man, I didn't think he was going to die..." he frowned. He looked to Steve for pity, but he just glared at him. "We'll steal you another dog, ok? But we've got to be home when they find the bodies." Steve tugged on his brother's arm. "But..." "Come on, Kurt, let's go. I'll drive. Maybe we can get ice cream on the way home?" "Ya, ok." Steve put a protective arm over his shoulder, shooting another deadly glare at Keys.

Sry for the short chapter. Have a good day :)

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