Chapter 8 <Final Chapter>

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The death of five teenagers, and the disappearance of Oscar Bernens were the Harrington brother's last recorded incidents. On the scene of the teen's killing, DNA was found. Not much, but enough to trace it all back to Kurt Harrington, though Steve Harrington would later reveal that all three of the triplets were involved in the killings. And now, we are nearing the end of this disturbing tale, I hope you will never forget everything these boys have done...

For the next month after the funeral, the boy's couldn't bring themselves to do any kills, helping Kurt deal with his grief. Steve was laying on the couch, drinking pop and watching scooby-doo when there was a pounding at the door. "Can you get the door?!" Keys yelled from the kitchen. The pounding came again, harder this time. "Hold on, hold on. I'm coming." Steve grumbled, rolling off the couch. Right before he reached the door, it busted open, and policemen with guns barged into the house. "Oh shit!" Steve put his hands up. "ARE YOU KURT KUNKLE?!" an officer shouted. Steve winced, shaking his head. "I'm his brother, Steve. I'm also not deaf." he spat. "You're Steve Harrington?" "Yes..." that's when Kurt came down the stairs in just boxers and a t-shirt, walking up to Steve and freezing in surprise when he realized there was a whole army in his living room. Keys also came out of the kitchen, his eyes widening. "There's three of 'em'?! Jesus christ..." a cop mumbled. "What's going on-" Kurt took a step forward. And everything suddenly seemed to move in slow motion as one officer shot the bullet, which went straight through the youngest triplets brain and into the wall behind him. Steve screamed, kneeling beside Kurt, who had collapsed to the ground. "What did you do?!" He sobbed, pulling his brother's head into his lap. "Don't touch them!!" Keys stood protectively in front of his brothers. "Keys don't!" but it was too late. Every single officer in the room fired at him, until he had more bullet holes than skin, and then he fell to the ground.

"Nooo!!!!" Steve let out a piercing scream, almost feral. He sobbed loudly, petting Kurt's hair and just screaming. At some point, an officer grabbed him and pulled him away. They were saying things, but he couldn't hear them. He looked back, watching the coroners put white sheets over his brothers, shaking their heads sadly. He watched his whole world collapse in a single moment of realization. He didn't fight the police as they dragged him away and shoved in the back of a cop car. He watched out the back window as they drove away, sad tears dripping down his cheeks. And he knew it was all over then. 

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