Chapter 6

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Aleena Mccarthy was found dead in her hotel room about a week after the boy's first massacre. She was missing for 72 hours before a cleaning lady reported a bad smell coming from her room.  A black ghost was reported getting in a car that night, and police officially declared it a loose serial killer, and the public should stay indoors after dark, lock all their doors and windows, and be on the lookout. To prevent mass panic, the police kept quite a bit of details from The public, but it wouldn't be long before the small town of Hawkins would panic, and the police knew this was a disaster waiting to happen.

"He's so cool Steve, you don't understand. He makes my knees weak, like I'm going to fall over. I don't think I've ever felt this way before. I could just die every time he looks at me with those eyes..." he sighed happily. They were laying on his bed, and Steve had asked how things were going with Oscar. "And the sex! Oh my god, the sex! Mind blowing." He made an explosion motion above his head, and Steve giggled. "You really like him, huh." "Ya. I think I might even be in love." he and Oscar had been going out for almost 2 months now, and his brothers had never seen him happier. Except when he was killing, of course. "I'm happy for you. But I'm gonna  have to give him the brother talk soon." he warned. "I know, he's coming to dinner tonight, why don't you just do it then?" "That's a good idea. Anyway, you wanna do a kill today?" Steve grinned. "How could I say no to that?" they got up and ran down the stairs. "You got a victim for us?" Steve asked Keys, who was texting on his phone at the kitchen table. "I'll find someone." he grinned.

Kurt and Steve pulled up to the Wendy's, hopping out of the car. "I know this sounds crazy, but I'm gonna use this." Kurt took off his shoe and took his sock off, holding it up.  "Why you pulling your grippers out, dude?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "You'll see. Trust, remember." he put his shoe back on. They put on their masks and walked to the back of the fast-food joint, spotting an employee taking a smoke break. "What the hell?" the guy said. Steve jumped on him, pinning him down and covering his mouth. "You're up, man." he called back. Kurt was recording him, grinning. "Ok guys, this is it. Steve, can you hold the camera." "Fine." They switched places, and the guy struggled and tried to kick Kurt as he held his mouth open and shoved the sock down his throat. Steve zoomed the camera in on his face as he fought and struggled, his lips turning blue. He reached out one last time before falling still. "Did you guys see that?! So awesome!" Kurt jumped up, making a peace sign, well Steve took a picture of him beside the body. "We gotta go now, your boyfriend is going to be at our house for dinner soon." Steve shut off the camera. Kurt took the sock and they ran to the car.

They live streamed their ride home like usual, stopping at the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner and getting gas on the way. They got home around 5, and made spaghetti, and Oscar showed up around 7. "Hey, how are you?" Kurt pecked him on the cheek. "Better now, you?" he smiled. "Good." Kurt blushed. "Dinner's ready!" Keys grinned. Oscar watched as Steve and Kurt raced to get food, bickering and shoving each other like little kids. "One at a time!" Keys scooped food into their bowls, and they raced into the living room. He went up to the island and Keys scooped him food, smiling. He walked into the living room, and Kurt gasped, shoving Steve off the couch. "I saved you a seat." he grinned. Steve huffed, sulking as he sat on the floor. "Thanks." he sat beside his boyfriend, and Kurt grabbed the remote. "Hey! It's my night to choose!" Steve gasped, snatching the remote. Oscar chuckled, taking a bite of his food. "Nu uh, Oscar gets to choose." Keys put his food on the coffee table and put his hand out. Steve sighed, handing him the remote. "What do you want to watch?" he asked Oscar. "I'm not picky, you got any documentaries?" he asked. Kurt's face lit up, and he grinned. "Have you seen the one on bottled water?" "Not yet, I heard it's got great photography though." he both grinned. The other Harrington brothers groaned, and Kurt clapped. After they finished eating, Keys made popcorn, and Oscar put his arm around Kurt's shoulder, both of them blushing. "I love you." Oscar whispered in his ear, pulling him closer. "I love you too, Ossie." he sighed contentedly, leaning against his lover.

Steve woke up the next morning and walked down the stairs, smiling when he walked into the living room. Oscar was laying on the couch, with Kurt draped across his lap, and they were snoring quietly, a little bit of drool at the corner of his brother's mouth.

Another few days passed, and Steve decided to go back to The Stonewall, feeling lonely. He drank at the bar for a while, wallowing in his own self-pity. And then he saw him. The man he'd seen before, when he was with Kurt, walked into the bar and sat beside him, ordering a drink. "Why are you drinking?" Steve asked tentatively. "Divorce. It was for the better, but it still hurts. You?" the long-haired man sipped his drink. "The loneliness of this life." Steve chuckled. "Amen to that." Eddie raised his glass, and Steve clinked his against it. "I'm Steve, by the way." "Eddie. My friends call me Ed, but you can just call me." he winked, scribbling his phone number on a napkin. Steve was too stunned to speak as Eddie put a five dollar bill on the counter and got up, leaving Steve blushing and confused. He took the napkin and tucked it in his pocket, paying for his drink and scratching the back of his neck. When he got home, Keys was watching TV. "Where's Kurt?" asked. "Oscar's. Where else?" he mumbled. "I don't have the heart to tell him this isn't going to end well. You want to?" Steve sighed, sitting down beside his brother. "Nah, just let him figure it out on his own." Keys shuffled over, handing Steve the bowl of popcorn."it'll suck if we have to kill him, though." he sighed. "Yup. Let's hope he comes to his scenes before it's too late." Keys fixed his glasses. "Yup." Steve agreed. 

Have a good day :)

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