Chapter 5

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Kurt opened his eyes, groaning at the light shining through his curtains. He sat up, running a hand through his hair. He was in just boxers, and the sheets were in tangles. He looked over, and there he was. Oscar lay beside him, snoring softly, a small sleepy smile on his lips. Kurt couldn't stop staring at him. He was just so perfect... he shook his head, rubbing his eyes. He barely knew this guy, he wasn't falling. Nope. No signore, he was not. The other man stirred, opening his eyes. "Morning sunshine." he mumbled. "Morning." he laid back down, pulling Oscar into his arms. They lay there for a while, whispering to each other. "You looked so pretty when you were sleeping..." Kurt had to admit it sounded a little creepy, but Oscar didn't seem to notice, just pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "You think?" "Yes." Kurt kissed him hard, straddling him. "Not as pretty as you though," they giggled, pulling the blankets over them.

Steve grabbed a cup of coffee, scanning the newspaper. One headline caught his attention. 'Case of the black ghost remains unsolved, but police may have a lead.' he furrowed his brow, scanning through the article. He sighed in relief when he read that a gang of teenagers had been arrested, and they were the main lead in the case. It didn't say much else, but he wasn't too worried about it. They were good at what they did, and everything was going to be fine. "Morning. Was that you who got banged last night?" Keys walked into the kitchen and snatched his coffee right out of his hand and took a sip. "Hey! Got your own caffeine! And no, unfortunately it was not me. And I think Kurt might be doing the banging. Or he moans his own name. which, I wouldn't be surprised about, to be honest." he snatched his drink back. "Me neither. Glad he's getting back out there though, proud of him." about an hour later, Oscar left, slightly limping, and Kurt followed him out the door. "Hm. I was hoping we could go kill someone today. Guess I'm on my own." Steve shrugged. "I'll go find someone." Keys grinned.

To say Aleena wasn't expecting a phone call would be an understatement. She was at a hotel a few miles out of town, after her boyfriend dumped her. She was in the shower when the phone rang, and she ignored it. She got out and changed, checking her cell phone. One missed call from an unknown number. The hotel phone rang this time, startling her, and she jumped. That's when she noticed it. The closet door was ajar, when she was sure it had been closed when she got in the shower. Her heart jumped with fear, and she picked up the phone. "Aleena Mccarthy, right? I've been looking for you. When you weren't at home or at the Mcdonalds, I got a little worried that you were already dead, and that would have been no fun, because then how was I supposed to kill you?" a deep, graveling voice spoke quietly, sounding almost amused. "What?! How do you know where I work?!" she watched the closet fearfully. "That doesn't matter. None of that matters anymore." "what?" Before she could scream, a clothed hand flew over her mouth from behind, and a machete stabbed through her back. The phone slipped from her hand, falling on the floor. "Shhh..." Steve whispered. "It will all be over soon, I promise." he stroked her hair, pulling the weapon out and stabbing her again. She fell to her knees, tears of pain trailing down her cheeks. "There there, see? It's all finished now." she fell over, struggling on the floor for a moment before she went still. Steve bent over and shut her eyelids, so she looked like she was sleeping, taking the machete and swiftly leaving the hotel room, shutting the door behind him.

Kurt took Oscar out to a fancy dinner that night, and he was smiling the whole time. When Oscar reached for his wallet, he grabbed his hand. "Don't worry, I got this." he winked, and the red-head blushed. "Thanks." Kurt paid and they got their coats on. "I'll walk you home." Kurt offered, putting his hand out. "Ok, thank you, prince charming." he teased. "Only for you, my lady." They both laughed as he took his hand and they walked down the street together. "This is it." They stopped in front of his apartment building. "Thank you. I had a lot of fun tonight." Oscar whispered. "Me too." Kurt chuckled nervously. Oscar took a deep breath, before pulling Kurt into a deep kiss. He kissed back, cupping the other boy's face. They pulled part, breathing heavy, both grinning. "I'll call you tomorrow, ok?" Oscar walked up his steps, smiling like a child. "Ok." Kurt waved him goodbye, making sure he got inside safe before turning and walking home, doing a happy jumpy-jump as he kicked a pebble and laughed.

When he got home, the house was empty. "Guys? Anyone home?" He walked into the living room, where Keys was just hanging up the phone. "Aw dang, did I miss a kill?" Kurt pouted. "Don't worry, we'll do another tomorrow. How was your date?" Keys grinned. "Amazing! I think I love him..." he sighed, laying on his back on the couch. "Which is impossible because we've known each other less than 24 hours, but it feels that way." he took off his hat and looked up at his brother. "You know, I always thought it was stupid that love had to have a timeline. Why can't you love him now? " "because that's weird. I can't just be all like 'hey man, i know we've only been on one date and had sex and all that, but I definitely love you'." "Do you love him?" "Maybe," he sighed. "Well, i say just give it a couple more days and see how he feels, let him be in charge, guys like that." Keys suggested. "Alright, thanks bro. Let me know when Stevie gets home, i'm going to make mac and cheese." he rolled off the couch, yawning.

my cute little gay boi's 🥹

Have a good day :)

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