Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V

Sonic raced to Rouge's club to tell her the exciting new that Shadow is the famous singer! When he got there the club was packed. Sonic went in and went to find Rouge, Sonic found Rouge at a bar making drinks for the customers.

"Hey Rouge, I got something exciting to tell you that will blow your mind!" Sonic said excited

"Can it wait until tomorrow blue? I am a bit busy." Rouge asked

"Sure...." Sonic replied

Sonic left the club at went to go home for it was 4:00 in the morning. On his way home Sonic spotted Shadow. Sonic creeped up on Shadow to scare him.

"BOO!" Sonic called as he griped Shadow's waist but quickly let go.

Shadow jumped he turned around and punched Sonic in the head hard. Sonic passed out from the hard hit he got.

Shadow looked at Sonic before rolling his eyes.

"That's what you get faker for scareing me." Shadow said as he squatted next to the unconscious blue hedgehog's head.

Shadow examined Sonic, Shadow sighed.

"Are you going to wake up or do I have to pick you up?" Shadow asked Sonic

Shadow waited for a few minutes but there was no response.

"Fine I will carry you." Shadow scoffed as he picked up Sonic

Shadow was carrying Sonic like a feed bag his feet are by Shadow's face and Sonic's head was by Shadow's butt.

Shadow reached his house not knowing where Sonic lived. He unlocked his door and went into his house. Shadow placed Sonic on the couch for he didn't have a spare room. Shadow put blankets over Sonic as well.

Shadow went to his own room and went to sleep.


In the morning Shadow got up and he went to the kitchen he made himself breakfast forgetting about the unconscious hedgehog on his couch. Shadow eat his breakfast peacefully until he heard a noise.

"Can I have some?" Sonic asked

Shadow looked towards the hedgehog that had his head poked over the couch.

"Shit I forgot he was still here." Shadow mumbled to himself

"What was that?" Sonic questioned walking overto the dinner table

"Yeah, you can." Shadow replied to Sonic's first question

Shadow made Sonic the same breakfast he gave it to him. Shadow sat down and continued his breakfast.

Sonic looked at the food unsure what it is. Shadow looked at Sonic.

"Something the matter, facker?" Shadow asked

"No, just ummm...." Sonic replied

"It is called an omelet, try it." Shadow replied

Sonic did what he was told. He looked at Shadow.

"This is amazing Shadow!" Sonic compliment

Shadow nodded, they both eat there breakfast in silence. When they where done Shadow took there plates to clean them.

"The door is not hard to find." Shadow said

"Want me to leave so soon?" Sonic asked

Shadow didn't answer the question.

"Why didn't you just take me to my house?" Sonic questioned

"For the love of god do you ever stop asking questions?" Shadow asked getting a little annoyed

Sonic pinned his ears back "I will leave." Sonic replied quite that Shadow could hear. Sonic left Shadow's house without another word.

Sonic went to the park. Sonic found a tree and sat underneath it.

He sighed and looked off into the distance.

"Why is it me? Why do I have to be the one alone? Shadow and Rouge are moving on now.... I will be alone. Where Shadow, Rouge, Amy, Tails and Knuckles ever my friends? Or did they use me to beat Eggman until he was dead?" Sonic asked himself

Sonic got up he went to Rouge's club that was open. Sonic went to the bar but it was a different bartender it wasn't Rouge.

"How may I help you sir?" The bartender asked Sonic

"I would like a beer please." Sonic replied

The bartender nodded a few minutes later he came back with the beer.

"Here you go sir" The bartender said

Sonic nodded and drank his drink

"Why not I just drink my problems away?" Sonic asked himself

Hours passed and Sonic ended up drunk. It was soon dark there was no concrete on for the night so all that was left in the bar was Sonic and the bartender.

"Sir, I think you have had enough to drink. Also you need to go it is closing time." The bartender said

"I...*hic**hic* not..... drunk...*hic*" The drunk hedgehog replied

The bartender rolled his eyes and call his boss.

"What is it?" Rouge asked

"We got a drunk one who won't leave" the bartender said

"I am on my way down to help you." Rouge said

A few minutes later Rouge showed up but she was with Shadow.

"Who is drunk?" Rouge asked

"The only person left in this bar that is drunk" Shadow said pointing to Sonic

Rouge looked to where Shadow was pointing "OMG! Why is Sonic drinking?" Rouge asked Shadow

"Don't look at me I don't have the answer, he does." Shadow said

"Oh hi...*hic*..... agian, Shad.....*hic*...." drunk Sonic greeted

"What does he mean again?" Rouge asked

"I punched him for scareing me, knocked him out to." Shadow replied

"I should have known." Rouge replied

Shadow rolled his eyes.

"You go home and Shadow and I will close up shop" Rouge said to the bartender.

The bartender nodded and went home.

"So what are we going to do with him" Rouge asked Shadow

"Dump him on the streets and go home" Shadow replied

"Shadow! How dare you! We can't do that it him!" Rouge replied

"Hey you asked." Shadow said crossing his arms

"Fine..... we'll take him to my place." Shadow replied

Once the bar was closed up Shadow took Sonic back to his place Shadow did the same thing when he knocked Sonic out.

Shadow looked at the now sleeping hedgehog

"He is going to have a bad hang over." Shadow chuckled as he left and went to bed.

To me continued

A Singer Stole The Hero's Heart (Sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now