Part 11

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You shut the door behind you and walk over to kit who's sat on the sofa. He looks up at you. "sorry if i made things awkward with you too i just wanted to apologise about being a bad friend last night"

Friend. Those words linger in your head. How could you be so stupid he wasn't doing this because he had feelings for you he was doing this because you two were friends. And now you had possibly blown off the guy who actually likes you for him who was nothing more than a friend who you had a silly playground crush on.

"No its fine" you reply.

"i wasn't planning on staying long i have plans to meet my mum so i kind of need to go or ill be late and you know what she like" he saying smiling with that gorgeous smile he has always had. "Y/n you'll be ok on your own right?"

"Yeah, yeah ill be fine. I mean I've got lots of work to do you know learning lines and all that" you say trying to lie you way through the world wind of emotions your feeling.

"Oh ok ill see myself out then. Let you get on with your work".  He walks to the door. "Bye y/n".

As soon as the door shuts you run to you room and get under the covers and cry into you pillow. Of course he didn't like you. He's juts being my friend. Now I've ruined everything with Cormac. Cormac. Oh god he probably thinks i like kit which i mean i do but he has been so lovely and sweet to me and I've just thrown him away for someone that doesn't even like me.

You sit in bed for the rest of the day bingeing rubbish day time tv with a tub of ice cream to numb the pain. Until you phone dings.

Hey y/n. Im sorry if i made things awkward with you and kit. I didn't realise you two were a thing because I'm not really the type of person to get in the way of two people.

Cormac you don't need to apologise for anything plus me and  kit are just friends nothing more I'm the one who should be sorry if i made you feel like that.

Oh i would have never thought you to were "just friends" especially not from the way he talks about you.
Anyway lets talk about something else now that thats cleared up.
Have you got filming tomorrow?

I do actually

Great ill pick you up at 9 and ill bring breakfast.

Ooooh aren't i lucky

You wipe your eyes. Feeling a little better knowing that at least you whole life isn't a mess. You drag yourself out of bed and jump in the shower and just let the water fall down your body for a good 5 minutes before doing anything actually productive. Once your out the shower you dry your hair and then put some clean pjs on and get into bed.

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