Chapter Three

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The X-men watched Logan in silence. Concern had filled Scott's face.

"Do you know who it was?" he asked. "The worker?"

Logan shook his head.

"No," he lied. "I don't. It must have been a coincidence."

"Maybe it was like x-23," offered Hank. "Maybe he was created in a lab like Laura."

"It's possible," said Storm. "Logan didn't know about Laura until she tracked him down."

Logan nodded quietly, eyes on the floor. How was it for Daken without his claws? Logan didn't know how he would feel if he didn't have his claws. A pang of guilt stabbed through his chest. Now he could no longer mend his relationship with his son. Daken would never listen, never understand. At least he doesn't have the blade. Logan took a deep, calming breath, and joined back into the conversation.

Logan stared out at the ocean. The deep blue was gorgeous and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.

"He's your son,"

Wolverine jerked around to see Charles Xavier behind him.


"The boy Magneto and Scott saw," Xavier said plainly. "Is your son."

"So?" Logan asked, beginning to panic. Please don't see through me. "Like Hank said, he could have been born in a lab, like Laura."

Xavier's eyes narrowed.

"He wasn't created in a lab, was he?"

Logan shook his head. It wouldn't matter if he lied. Xavier could already know everything Logan knew about Daken.

"His name is Daken, isn't it?"

Logan nodded.

"Raised partially by your enemy Romulus?"

Logan nodded again.

Xavier's eyes filled with sadness.

"I'm sorry Logan," he said. "I will do my best to keep him out of enemy hands."

That could Logan off guard.

"Why would you need to do that?" he asked. "Is he in danger?"

"All of our children are in danger," said Xavier gravely.

"What do you mean? What do you know?" Logan pressed.

"Magneto and our other enemies want to stamp us out for good. I found out days ago," said Xavier. "Their first targets are Hope Summers, Laura, Rogue, Iceman, and the other children here. Now that I know about Daken, he might have been bumped up to the top ten. Even if he was an ally to Romulus."

Even if he was an ally to Romulus. Wolverine swallowed the guilty feeling that had swelled in his stomach. If only I had been there. If only I had been with Itsu.

Midnight. I can't sleep. I have a weird feeling in my head. It feels as if someone is flipping through my brain like a book. I feel exposed. I try to push it away, but it pushes back. I sit up and look towards the window. The full moon's rim is just barely visible from my window. I try to focus on the moon instead of my head. The sensation seems to double, as if another person had made my mind a book. I hissed in anger. Get out of my head! The reading of my mind stops, but I still feel as though the book of my mind is still open. There is still something in my mind. Hello Daken. I jump, and instantly look around to see where the voice came from. No one.

"Who's there?" I whispered, squinting around.

Something pushes me back, making my head hit the wall behind my bed. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from yelling in pain and shock. When I open my eyes I'm not in my apartment. This time I really do yell. 

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