Chapter Thirty

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"Bullseye!" I yelled.

Osborn heard my yell, whipped around, saw Bullseye falling, and caught him just in time. I let out a sigh of relief. Then I remembered I was still fighting my father.

I heard Daken yell my name. Soon after, I felt someone grasp me, pulling me into the air. I felt like I just breezed death by.

I screamed in rage as Norman Osborn caught Bullseye. That was my chance at avenging Scott. But that wasn't my last chance. I ripped Osborn and Bullseye away from each other, sending Osborn flying straight toward Daken and Wolverine.

I had a hunch that I should probably duck. I obeyed my gut and fell to the ground. I just narrowly got missed by Osborn who must have been thrown by Jean. My father wasn't fast enough, he was hit full on by Osborn. I turned around.

I raised Bullseye into the air and let him drop to the ground.

Pain engulfed my body when I hit the ground. I must have broken more bones. Jean Grey is floating above me, looking down at what she had caused.

I ran over to Bullseye's fallen body. Thankfully, I found that he wasn't dead.

"Can you stand?" I asked.

"No," said Bullseye. "A lot of stuff is broken. It really fucking hurts."

"It's going to be okay," I said. "We're going to get out of this and you're going to go to a hospital."

I looked around for something sharp. There, the Muramasa blade. I raised it into the air and aimed it at Daken's back.

Something sharp hit me just below my right shoulder. I gasped in pain.

"What the hell?" I said, watching as the tip of a sword broke through Daken's skin. It was coming out faster and faster, I looked up to see Jean Grey watching us, magic engulfing her hands.

It was a sword that had stabbed me. The pain was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I tried to move away from Bullseye but something was keeping me from moving. I told Bullseye this.

"I can't move either," said Bullseye. "It's Jean Grey! She's doing some magic thingy and staring right at us!"

I met Daken's eyes, "I hope there's a good hospital in hell," I told him.

Pain. And darkness.

I watched as the light dimmed in Bullseye's eyes.

"No," I said. "No. NO!"

I pulled the sword out of him and me. It was soaked in blood, both our bloods. I stared at it and horror filled me. It was the Muramasa blade. I was fucking dead.

Logan finally pushed himself to his feet. He looked around for Daken. Then he saw him. On his knees next to Bullseye's dead body, bloody Muramasa blade in his hand, blood stain rapidly growing on the back of his shirt. Jean, floating above them, satisfied.

"JEAN!" bellowed Logan.

Before he could say anything else something sent everyone flying toward the school.

I searched through the dust for Bullseye's body. I finally found it and grabbed onto it.

"I'm sorry Bullseye," I choked. "I'm so sorry."

I pushed myself off the ground. Whatever had sent us flying must have been some sort of explosive. The X-men are pushing themselves up around me. Then I see someone, cowering, next to the school. Rogue. She sees me looking and I send her a silent message. Get back inside the school, now. We'll talk about this later. She obeyed instantly. 

Osborn pulled me off Bullseye's body. He was standing next to Ares and Venom. Their eyes, like the eyes of the X-men and the mutant students inside the school, were drawn to something just over the bay. I followed their gaze.

"No," I said, "it can't be."

"Jean," asked Logan. "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" I told him.

"We have to find a way to control it," said Professor X.

"We can't control it!" I said. "We can't destroy it. We can only hurt it when it's in a host, and that'll only send it away!"

"What the fuck is that?" I asked Ares.

"That," he said, "is the Dark Phoenix." 

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