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Daniels pov

He watched from a distance as Amadeus appeared to be having a conversation with his team principal. Daniel had found himself doing a lot of staring lately, since their run-in at the bar but, Amadeus hadn't even looked in his direction once.

A girl approached him, and he watched Amadeus shake her hand politely. She was blushing and giggling, so obviously flirting, but Amadeus was the same as always. He hasn't been seen with anyone since his fiancée Laila.

Daniel recalls Laila vividly everyone that ever met her probably never forgot her, how could they?  if he thought about it, he spoke more to her than he ever did with Amadeus.

Whenever she greeted Daniel at events she would only refer to him as "Dan the man", whenever he asked how she was,  she would always reply "he's okay so I am okay".

Nobody knew much about their relationship except that they'd known each other for a very long time. To find Amadeus outside of the car, simply follow the trail of Laila. She was so bright you couldn't miss her.

Laila was a character, to say the least, and a painter to say a bit more. She was funny and beautiful, with wild brown curly hair, deep freckled skin, and green eyes that were always wrinkled with a smile. He noticed that she was the only person who could elicit a genuine smile from Amadeus. She would always sit by Amadeus, braiding his hair, telling him stories, and holding his hand. When Daniel looked at them together, he wished for what they had.

But it was over; Laila was no longer seen across the paddock. No more soft looks, no more giggles, no more random braids in Amadeus' hair.

He never knew what happened, never understood why it would happen.

Daniels's train of thought was interrupted by the girl's loud laughter. Benjamin was talking to her now, the Lamborgini team principal trying to act as a buffer. But she kept stealing glances at Amadeus who now looked uninterested like he wanted to leave. he could see him fiddling with his necklace, it was a silver chain that had an L on the end. Daniel looked back to the blond standing next to him and in a way, he felt sorry for her.

"Mate, are you okay?" Max snapped him out of his thoughts.

"wh-, yeah yeah I'm good," he looked back to Max and Nico whom he was supposed to be conversing.

Max followed his gaze his face hardening ever so slightly.

"We need to go get going race is in an hour," Max said seriously any hint of joking was now completely gone.

He nodded


Daniel turned just in time to catch one last glimpse of Amadeus before Carlos whisked him away and engulfed him in a hug. Amadeus had his back to him, but he could tell he hugged him back tightly.

Carlos, another thing he didn't know or understand about Amadeus.

He didn't notice Max's lingering gaze in their direction when he walked away.

Amadeus pov:

"Thank you," he whispered into Carlos' neck, breaking the embrace.

"Anytime, Cabron.  Oi! you didn't call me for the entire weekend, am I just a work friend now?"

"You know you're not, I'm just dealing with stuff... how's Reyes... I miss her," he said, changing the subject. He knew Carlos would never press him to speak, so he changed the subject to keep himself safe.

"I know that's why I told you to call me you don't have to deal with everything alone, but fine, change the subject, mama she misses you too, she keeps asking about you... when is Deus coming over, can you invite him... "I think she likes you more than I do" Carlos joked.

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