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Daniel was warm.

Amadeus wasn't keen on casual hugs he hated them. So the few hugs he got in his life meant a great deal to him

When Carlos hugged him it made him feel safe and happy it was intimate and comfortable.

When Andrey hugged him it was solid. A strong hug was grounding like an anchor. It carried so many emotions with it. So many unsaid things.

When Laila used to hug him it made him feel so happy like he held the world. her hugs oozed with care and joy. It was like hugging love itself.

When Reyes hugged him he felt like a kid like he could never be safer than where he stood in her embrace.

Daniels's hug was also different. He couldn't explain it it was just warm. Daniel was so warm. Like hugging a lovely memory, a memory of something you never experienced.

It was lovely and so was Daniel.

The heart-to-heart they had in Monaco broke down a wall that they had between them.


It was now the start of the summer break of the 2019 season
Since Monaco Amadeus's luck had turned up.
Canada- p2
France -p2
Austria -p3

And his last p2 in the Hungarian Grand Prix.
Professionally Amadeus was doing well. He had his home race to look forward to after the break.

He was now back in his apartment in Belgium. When he was back home Andrey was glued to his hip when he wasn't at work. Andrey was a CS engineer from 9 to 5 but after that, he was amadeuses biggest nightmare. For someone who supposedly spends all day working. He still constantly wants to go out.

Amadeus felt the bed shift next to him as Andrey turned in his sleep. Amadeus had a spare bedroom but Andrey always said it was uncomfortable and even though Amadeus complained he preferred it that way. It was 7 am on a Friday. Sleep has been very difficult for Amadeus and once he woke up he couldn't go back to sleep.

He looked at the boy next to him and ruffled his hair.

"Andrey wake up"

The boy next to him looked disoriented as he squinted his eyes open.

"What's the time," he said his voice deep with sleep

"It's 7..."

"Ughhhh man you suck"

Andrey blindly threw a pillow in Amadeus's direction

"Why are you like this?? It's the weekend let me sleep in like a normal human being"

"I thought we could go out for breakfast or something," amadeus said smiling.

Andrey immediately jumped into a seating position.

"Wait seriously, you actually want to do something... no way you're initiating leaving the house I can't believe it"

Andrey dramatically looked at the ceiling

"Oh god thank you the day has come when he wants to do something other than stay in this room my prayers are answered"

Amadeus looked at him trying to fake annoyance.

"Okay, that's enough, you ruined it I don't want to go out anymore" he joked

"Nooo no I'm kidding come on we can go to that place that makes fresh pastry the one you like,"

"Okay let's get dressed then"


Daniel was back in Australia in his family home it's been one week into the summer break. He was so happy to be away from all of the noise for a bit. He missed his family. He was spending a lot of time with his nephews and it was honestly doing him so well.

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