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Barcelona was insane, and Amadeus was flooded with media work. It was Friday, the practice had gone really well, only a few things needed adjustments. He felt comfortable in the car and the pace was good. 

He was now getting ready to go out for dinner with the Sainz family who were all in Barcelona for the weekend. He had black pants on and was going through his shirt options. Carlos made it clear he couldn't wear an oversized shirt and call it a day.

He heard a knock on the door, Carlos was supposed to pass by him and they would go together. 

He opened the door.

"Cabron where is your shirt why are you still not ready," Carlos exclaimed

"I am okay Carlos my day was great how about yours?" Amadeus said sarcastically.

Carlos was dressed as well as he usually was, in a nice button-up and pants. His hair was perfectly styled, Carlos looked extremely put together and it was stressing him out.

Amadeus in comparison didn't have a shirt on, his hair was still damp, and the pants he originally wanted to wear were so wrinkly it looked like a dog had chewed them up and spit them out. 

"Very funny, come on we need to go"

"Hey don't rush me I'm already stressed, can I just wear a T-shirt and jeans"

"come on Deus it is a nice place, put in some effort," Carlos said as he walked towards the shirts Amadeus had laid out. 

He picked out a long-sleeved black button-up and threw it at him. 

"Just wear this and hurry up," 

as Amadeus turned around he felt cold hands suddenly touch his ribs holding him in place. 

"Ay, your hands are freezing"

"When did you get this deus," Carlos said pointing at his arm. 

Amadeus's body was littered with tattoos small and big. But now on the back of his upper arm, a small red chili could be seen. 

"last time I was in Italy, I wanted to have something for you," he said 

"Do you like it? "

"you are very stupid," Carlos said but he was smiling so hard. 

He pulled Amadeus into a hug that he quickly melted into. 

Amadeus sighed melting into the hug, welcoming Carlos's affection.

"you need to gain some weight," Carlos said after a couple of seconds.

"don't ruin the hug," Amadeus said as he squeezed Carlos and let go.

Once he had his shirt on,  he left a couple of the top buttons open and rolled up the sleeves. He quickly brushed a hand through his hair. He could see Carlos stare violently at him through the mirror. 

"stop staring so hard, be patient I'm almost done,"

"Are you ever gonna take it off?" Carlos said softly.

he knew directly what Carlos was referring to, his hand instinctively went to the pendant that lay on his neck, it felt heavy.

he didn't answer because he couldn't. He will leave it on as long as he loves her,   Amadeus doesn't think he will ever stop loving her.

"unbutton the first two buttons you look stupid," he said making Carlos smile and do as he said.

He looked in the mirror one last time and turned to Carlos smiling.

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