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Amadeus couldn't sleep. He was sharing a hotel room with Andrey who had passed out as soon as they got back. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to his room in Belgium. The hotel bed reminded him more and more that he wasn't home. Amadeus never moved to Monaco as many of the drivers did. The lifestyle just wasn't for him.

As he tossed one more time in bed he heard his phone ring. He looked at the screen it was only 10:30, and Daniels's name showed brightly. 

"Hey, Daniel is everything okay,"

"yeah yeah all is good I just couldn't sleep so I wanted to check on you" The voice he heard was soft and concerned.

"yeah, I can't sleep either, "

"I can come over we can talk a bit if you want

Amadeus looked to his right at Drey as he slept like a log

" Can I come over instead? Andrey is sleeping and this hotel room is suffocating me."

"yeah sure I'll send you the address"

"Okay I'll be there in 10"

Amadeus put a soft hoodie on over the sweatpants he was already wearing. He was out the door fairly quickly after that.


Daniel looked soft, he had on an oversized cotton shirt and some shorts.

he looked relaxed in his own space, his home was very...Daniel, it made Amadeus very warm just like its owner.

"Hi," Daniel said as he opened the door for Amadeus

"Hi," his reply was low and soft.

"Welcome to my humble home, " he smiled as he led Amadeus in.

amadeus kicked off his shoes next to the door and walked inside.

"thank you for having me, I love Andrey but he snores"

Daniel laughed at that.

"Do you want to sit on the balcony the weather is nice now"

"yes please "


"no thank you,"

"Okay have a seat I will get myself some tea and I'll join you"

Amadeus walked onto the balcony

The view from Daniel's apartment was nice and the outdoor furniture he had matched the vibe well, he wondered if it was him that picked it out.

He stood near the rail and let out a sharp sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. 

His head was pounding from the alcohol he downed after Max left and his neck still throbbing from the girl he let latch onto it five minutes after that.

Daniel came in shortly after him holding an open beer in his hand. he stood next to amadeus and stared ahead.

"the view from here is nice," amadeus said

"Yeah it's even nicer at sunrise you can see the water,"

amadeus nodded in acknowledgment.

"not nice enough for you to move here" Daniel joked

"no...its never been for me," amadeus smiled

He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his cigarette pack.

"is it okay if I smoke, "

"yeah I mean go ahead," Daniel said as he watched him.

Amadeus lit a cigarette and put it between his lips taking a deep inhale. he was now leaning his back on the rail. 

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