Travels 3

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Normal p.o.v

After people found Hiccup in an alley they went to the Authorities of the city as they immidiently went there to investigate as the Chief of the Justice department (honestly I have no clue if the Vikings had a similar thing about the police department but I'm bot gonna refer to them as police just justice)

"Hey boy sorry you had to see it" a man in a uniform said as he wrapped Hiccup around in a coat "can I get you anything water a coffee" the man said as Hiccup stayed silent due to the shock he had of seeing his parents shot down "hey just got a message Apperently his helper is gonna come and pick him up" another man said as the the man who helped Hiccup got up as Hiccup was there by himself as Hiccup looked at his hands as he kept getting flashbacks about his parents murder but he then pulled out a piece of paper from his sleeve as it was something his Dad gave him

"He'll be fine a kid with all that Gold he'll be just fine" Hiccup overheard the 2 justice people talking to eachother probably talking about him "shut up now hes 8 years old and all alone Gold wont fix that" The man said as Hiccup was glad they were seeing it from his point of view "whatever you say G hes helper is coming to pick him up you hear that hes got a helper" the man said as he began walking away as Hiccup heard the name G as he then walked back into the small room "hey sorry for leaving for a bit I'm gonna need some answers and hope you can answer them can I give you anything" G said as Hiccup took a small deep breath

"Why did he do it why did he have to take my parents" Hiccup said as G looked down "I dont know listen kid call me George okay it's this city theres something wrong with it" George said as then the doors open to revial Johann with a umbrella "Master Hiccup" Johann said as he ran towards Hiccup and embraced him in a hug as Johann curessed his cheek and felt bad for Hiccup "come leta go home first did you talk to the nice man giving any detail that can help" Johann said as he grabbed onto Hiccups hand "no the man who killed my parents it happened so fast but he had silver hair and was really thin had a crossbow for a weapon" Hiccup said giving whatever he could remember "thanks theres not a lot of people with Silver hair maybe we could find something" George said
As Johann nodded and they began walking away as the death of Tom and Mary are gonna impact Helhein that's the name I've chosen since I can't use Gotham

As when both Johann and Hiccup made it home Johann left Hiccup in his room as Hiccup knew how to put his pajamas on as Hiccup was traumatized of what happened to him as Hiccup grabbed the note from his pocket and it just said a bunch of coordinates as Hiccup turned to his side and saw a drawing of his parents from an artist as Hiccup grabbed it as a tear fell from his eye as Hiccup swore he wanted to do something about it but he couldnt do much he was only a kid and nothing special

Tine skip

A funeral was Hold up for Hiccups parents as they had a bunch of guest over even Tom's partner why work at the same place he does where they give out medicine in people of need as Johann and Hiccup were at the entrence as they gave thanks to the people who showed up as people couldnt helo but feel sad for Hiccup to having witness hes Famaly being taken away from him as then a man walked up to Hiccup "your in excellent hands will watch the empire when you grow up itll be waiting for you" the man said as he engan walking away to his carriage

As Hiccuo went into his room and looked out the window as Hiccup saw his friend down there the same girl who he played with as they both waved at eachother as then Johann walked in "I thought I might prepare a little supper" Johann said as Hiccup decided to stay quiet as Johann took that as a sign he needed to leave "very well" Johann said bit as he turned around "Johann" Hiccup said as Johann turned around to see Hiccup in tears "yes master Hiccup" Johann said as Hiccup began snuffling "I...its all my fault,..its all my fault" Hiccup said as Johann walked towards Hiccup and placed his hand on his shoulder "I made them leave the Small Theater" Hiccup said as he couldnt stop blaming himself "No,no,no" Johann said

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