Dragons 4

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Normal p.o.v

After Viggo told me to follow him I did since I didnt know what I was getting myself into as I put myself a shirt as I began following him

As I did I saw people  training with a variety of weapons but why did my parents send me here "now tell me boy who are you and how did you find us" Viggo said as he grabbed a sword and traced his finger a long side it as I then pulled out a note that my Dad gave me and showed it to him

As he then took it and started reading from it as he then looked at me "your Tom's and Mary's boy huh" Viggo said as Hiccup was confused on how did Viggo knew about his parents "yes how do you know them" Hiccup asked as Viggo looked around "your Father used to be one of us he used to be a friend of mine till Mary stepped in" Viggo said as Hiccup was even more confused "something tells me that this isnt just an Orphanage" Hiccup said as he saw people in black coats and using weapons "your right for one but he used to be one of us we were on an Assasination mission your mother was held captive for human trafficking but when your Mother caught his eyes we always checked up on her again and again eventually leaving us" Viggo said as he held his hands behind his back and continued walking

"So when he left I havent seen him in years tell me how did he die" Viggo said as he puts the pieces together and assumed that Tom has died since he sended Hiccup here "a man came up at an alley and shot him down my Dad tried his best to fight him but he got shot instead" Hiccup said as he looked down in shame "hmm no wonder when we took him in here he was only here for a couple of months and it's been years since he left he must've lacked his training" Viggo said as they then went into a throne like room

"Wait so my dad was an Assasin" Hiccup said as he didnt want to be one "no he hasnt even secured his first kill he was only there to make sure he didnt leave anything behind and so he never killed anyone" Viggo said as Hiccup let out a sight of relief

"I never even knew they had a son" Viggo said as he sat down on his throne and looked at Hiccup "well I'm not really their son" Hiccup said as he thought he could trust Viggo as Viggo got confused and looked at Hiccup "I'm sort off adopted my parents told me that they found me in a barrel floating at sea I'm guessing my biological parents didnt want me" Hiccup said as Viggo let out a sight as he started thinking of something maybe he can morph the boy and shape him into the next heir of his throne

But before Viggo could say anything the doors opened to revial a girl about the same age as Hiccup walking towards Viggo as they both looked at eachother in the eyes "Father who's this" the little girl said as she had bright red hair and freckles on her face "it's someone Cami dont worry he wont cause trouble hi'll be staying with us for awhile" Viggo said as he patted Cami in the back as then the doors opened again to Revial a large bulkier man with a bald head as he stood next to Viggo "sir the dragons are ready" the man said as Viggo nodded "welp then Hiccup time to prove your worth that's if you can survive" Viggo said as Hiccups eyes widnened and gulped as they began leading the way as Hiccup just began following them

As they then went into a dark hallway as Hiccup looked around till he spotted what looked like a fighting arena as Hiccup looked over as some torches were lid up as Hiccup looked inside and saw a Dragon but not just any dragon it had dark black scales with green eyes but it wasnt a big dragon it still looked like a baby dragon as my eyes widnened my Father told me stories about this Dragon "I...Is that a Nightfury" Hiccup said as hes only seen little about them "yes and hes suppose to be mine" Cami said as she tried to tame the Nightfury but failed every single time as Hiccup looked down as then both the Nightfury and Hiccup made eye contact as the Nightfury went back to its den  and began hiding "see Hiccup we only see Dragons as monsters they dont know feelings they dont have any so instead we use them as a simple ride to get in and out of the island" Viggo said as Hiccup looked down at the Nightfury as he couldnt help but feel bad for them

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