Bounty 28

101 6 4

Normal p.o.v

Hiccup was sticking on the rooftops as he was looking around in one of the Villages as Hiccup has stopped a few crimes here in there as he couldnt help but think on who's next to try and take him down

Hiccup p.o.v

First I had the Gaulik who's propably to most idiotic name there Is and then I have Branka who's a pain in my ass since hes strength is superior than others and then I have to deal with which is a problem no matter how much I work out and then I have Teacher Pyg who corrupts people somehow and turning them into mindless dummy's and who knows if Viggo is still alive and wanting hes revenge and then theres Heather how should I break it to Astrid that her best friend is a Thief and probably using her just to get what she wants but why did she turn like this I've known her almost all my life

What's next a half man half water creature a sharp shooter a man with fire abilities to fire at people who knows I just gotta keep ready

As I began moving around from rooftop to rooftop trying to find if crime is happening  but I then look down as I spotted people moving boxes into a boat "hurry up boss wants these boxes moved before the Bat-Fury finds us" one of the criminals said as I listened into their conversations "I know hey heard boss hired some muscle placed a bounty on the Bat-Furys head" another criminal said as I had to listen in close as I heard their boss hired some help

"Huh spends half of his Silver and Gold on the man and I could kill the Bat in 2 seconds" a thug said saying it really confident "will you 2 shut up already and keep moving boss wants this done quick and quiet" another thug said as there was about 3 or 4 in total as they all got on the boat as I saw they were at a far distance as I knew I had to go quietly as I  let out a whistle as Seashockers came out of the water with my underwater boat as I have to think of a name for it as I  got in as I placed the glass around it so water wont sink in as the Seashockers dived underwater and followed the boat

As I was looking up as I saw the thugs rowing their boat as fast as possible

As soon as they made it to a dock they bagn unpacking their boxes and moving them inside guess I can make my move as I lead the seashcokers to resurface as I opened up the glass and grabbed my Dragon Claw and went ontop of a building as I looked down and saw many opportunities to take them down so let's get to work as I saw them putting the boxes down as I saw them pulling on a lever as some candles lit up and some they had to lit up hmm maybe this could work

I grabbed one of my custom wings and flapped it really hard that it blew the candles out "go light them up again" a thug said as that must be their leader as the other nodded and went to grab 2 flint rocks and I he went to light them up

Ass he was about to light up the 3rd candle I sneaked up behind him and smashed his face against the wall knocking him out which alerted his comrades good

They then went to investigate as I activated my Silver eyes as I went behind a wall as I waited for an opportunity till they were far away apart as I busted through the wall and grabbed one thug by the face and dragged him outside as I Dragon Claw the both of us to the rooftops as I saw the last thug shooting arrows at us so I knocked out the thug that I had with me as I saw the last guy reloading hes arrows as I jumped down and gently glided underneath him as I think the thug had a feeling as he immidiently turned around and started firing as I grabbed his crossbow and the arrows began flying uncontrollably

As I grabbed the thug by the neck and headbutted him knocking him out as I had to know what they were moving as I moved to one of the boxes and opened it to revial a set of what seemed like powder but it was black as I heard a window crashing as time seemed to slow down for me as I had to react quick as I saw an arrow about to pierce my head as I dodged out of the way in time but then the arrow hit the powder as I had only a few seconds as I began running

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