Curiosity killed a Cat 18

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Normal p.o.v

As Hiccup looked at the metal he tried to look for some Initals as that would atleast narrow down who created the arrows "so found anything" Astrid said as Hiccup looked at her "no not really" I said theres no way there cant be a signature unless 1 they stole it before the Blacksmith could put his initials or its handmade and figuring out Gaulik he might've stolen them "there no initials here but the blood is still on it maybe just maybe" Hiccup said as he looked at the end of the arrow and hoped to get a scent off of it but no theres nothing of it as well "what are you doing" Astrid asked me as I turned to look at her

"Trying to get a scent off of it but nothing I need to show Toothless to hope he can get a better sniff at it" I said as I looked at Toothless and saw him being a look out "wait but how does that work" Astrid said propably wondering how I could smell so far away "something I did while training" I said as I packed the arrow on my belt and looked at the body to get maybe more clues as to wonder how he died but it was obvious but I need to know if this Gaulik is a Good shooter as I used my silver eyes and looked inside his skeleton as o saw his heart was pierced kidneys and ribs were broken and shattered he might've been lucky tho

"Alright then let's go" I said as h grabbed onto Astrids hand and launched my Dragon claw onto a ledge as we got out of the building as we looked around "so what now you just do 1 little mission and we go home" Astrid said as I saw her getting really tired maybe I should show her what I go through I hope she sees more in me...wait what am I saying if I want to start a relationship she'll be in trouble just by being near me "Nights still young Hofferson we just started" I said as I pulled out the arrow from my belt and showed it to Toothless

"Here bud tell me where this came from" I said as I let Toothless sniff the other end as I saw him doing some movements looking around trying to get a familiar sniff

But to my shock Toothless started rubbing his nose "so what does that mean" Astrid asked me as I looked at her "it usually means that Toothless cant get a scent hmm they must've covered the smell with another scent so we cant track it" I said as I broke the arrow with my knees since its useless and threw it at sea "while we wait that Gaulik makes hes move it's better if we move in my patrol" I said as I got on Toothless as Astrid hesitated at first but she eventually got on as we took off into the air

As we were flying I saw a Terrible terror flying towards us but something seemed off as I saw it was carrying mail with him as he then landed on my shoulder "let me guess another one of your dragons" Astrid said as I just ignored the question and grabbed the letter as these were one of my terrors that tell me when they see crime and report it to me as I opened the letter and saw from which Village he came from as I closed it "go back to the Cave and wait for my orders" I said as it nodded and began flying away

"Crime happening to a Village near here it's best I should check it out" I said as I began flying to that destination

Time skip

As we made it to the Vilalge we saw a small shop there that said History probably as I looked at the ceiling and saw one of the Ceilings hud a Glass that was in a perfect shape of a Circle "seems your not the only one with fancy tools" Astrid said as I looked at her "be my look out for now" I said as I used my silver eyes and saw only multiple bodies moving around with weapons

Heading them face on is suicide I need to be invisible Maybe I should take them out one by one and plan out my tactics as I jumped down and hanged with the wire

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