Finally 43

292 8 7

Normal p.o.v

"What the hell are you 2 doing" Hiccup said as both Astrid and Heather looked down and saw they both had Hiccups cock in both of their hands "Its all Astrids fault" Heather said as she pointed at Astrid as Astrid gave a look at her as Hiccup looked at Astrid "that's besides the point why were the both of you arguing about" Hiccup said as he could feel his cock getting an erection as he hid it in a blanket as something caught Heather's attention where she saw the amount of Scars on Hiccups body and some bruses that have never been healed "My Gods Hiccup" Heather said as she had a worried look as she touched Hiccups arm and saw the huge bruse on it "oh that, that was awhile ago long time ago" Hiccup said as he looked down as Astrid was there just looking

"Its nothing really now mind explaing the both of you what's going on" Hiccup asked as both Heather and Astrid looked at Eachother as Astrid nudged Heather to tell the truth as Heather took a deep breath "so umm Hiccup I know this looks what it looks like it's just that I...challenged Astrid to see if you would prefer a woman with my body and I wanted to see if you were loyal to Astrid by waking you up and you choosing me over her" Heather said as Hiccup looked at Astrid as Hiccup let out a sight

"Well I never had a three way but that depends on my girl" Hiccup said as he lifted the blankets as Hiccups member was exposed as Heather's eyes widenend to see it at an erection state and to see the thickness of it "yeap that was my reaction when I saw it as well" Astrid said as Heather was still amazed at it as Heather didnt pay attention to her

"So then who's going first" Hiccup asked as Heather was knocked out of her shock as she looked at Astrid and then at Hiccup "well Heather this is what you wanted a competition dont tap out soon" Astrid said as she crawled next to Hiccup as she rose to her knees

As Astrid pulled Hiccup into a tenderous kiss as Hiccup rose hes hands and untied Astrids robe exposing her body wearing bra strings and her underwear as Hiccup touched the bra strings and pulled them as Heather was shocked at how Hiccup got it out with ease and without ripping them showing how long they've been doing this as Hiccup grabbed Astrid by the back of the neck and pulled her in for a kiss as Heather started feeling Heated at watching them go add it

As Astrid could tell Heather was in a state if Jealousy as she smiled and began rubbing Hiccups abdomen "Heather what are you doing we got a job to do" Astrid said as She rose her head for Hiccup as Hiccup kissed her in the neck making Astrid gently moan as Heather looked at Hiccups cock "maybe I should help her out" Hiccup whispered as Astrid touched Hiccups chin and rose her hand up to eye level "remember how I started it with you but be a bit more rougher on her" Astrid said as Hiccup chuckled as Heather looked at them suspiciously as the both couple starred down at her

As Hiccup grabbed Heather's arm and twisted her onto the bed as Hiccup was top as Heather was blushing as she saw Hiccups face and hers were so close "well then 'Heather' I dont know if you took anything from my home but this should pay for it all" Hiccup said as Astrid crawled next to Heather's head "just relax Hiccup knows what hes doing" Astrid said as Hiccup slowly began going lower and lower till he began sliding his hands as well as Heather's lips began trembling in fear as she closed her eyes as she rose her legs as Hiccup grabbed her knees and slowly forced them open as Heather Eept at the sudden force

As Hiccup ducked his head as he began unzipping Heather's pants as Hiccup was she was wearing some black underwear as Heather placed her hands near her chin

As Hiccup gently rubbed his fingers across Heather's Underwear "dont tell me the tough and strong Heather is a Virgin" Astrid said as Heather looked a bit nervous "why does that matter I didnt see n...ah awe" Heather said as she moaned when Hiccup stucked 2 fingers inside gently tho as Hiccup was moving from the inside as Heather bit her lower lip as Astrid gently chuckled at seeing Heather's face reaction as Heather rubbed her hands over Hiccups hand as Hiccup smiled Seeing Heather's reaction "Ah...ahAAAH" Heather gently screamed out as Hiccup saw fhe liquids coming out of Heather

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