Fight between friends 33

98 6 3

Hiccup p.o.v

After awhile of talking when breakfast was over we all took walks and went to the parks that my Village had and the children that were playing with their parents

I've been an Orphan for almost all my life if it wasnt for Johann who knows where I would've been maybe dead or I wouldve turned into another Criminal into the streets be part of a dangerous group as we were walking by the park I was shooken up as I felt an arm over my shoulder "Hiccup you alright" Astrid said as she gently patted my shoulder "yeah just wondering how I wouldve turned out if my parents were still alive would I have ever met you" I asked as Astrid smiled and held my hand "propably but I'm just happy to be with you if you ever need to talk I'll always be with you" Astrid said as she gripped on my hand as we interlocked fingers "hey you 2 coming or what" we turn around and saw Heather talking to us as we began walking towards them

"So when are you gonna confront Heather about her secret" Astrid asked as I am gonna have a nice talk to Heather about stuff on why shes doing this "if I see her trying to steal something from my house I'll be watching over her and confront her from there" I said as no one escapes from me when they need to face justice

"I hope your right about this if you need some back up just shout and I'll be down there" Astrid said is she suggesting that she'll stay up just in case I need help "I appreciate the help meantime lets enjoy this time we have here" I said as I wrapped an arm over her shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek "so Hiccup when are you planning on making me a Grandmother" Ingrid said as I almost choked at that with my own spit as Astrid looked next to her "Mom seriously" Astrid said as she stood next to Ingrid "what Astrid sweetie you know it's only a matter of time before your Father and I go to Valhalla and and I always wanted you to have children" Ingrid said as Astrid blushed at that as she looked at her stomach

"Having children wont be a problem for me" I said taking Ingrids side making Astrid blush even more "Hiccup really" Astrid said as I just smiled at her and wrapped her in a hug "Dont worry we can have children when you feel like your up to it" I said as I just tussled her nose with mine "yeah but with you and your own buisness you propably wont have time for them" Astrid said are we really planning our future with her parents infront of us "dont worry babe I'll make time somehow so you wont have to deal with them alone" I said as I could feel like I'm being starred at like something wants to kill me as I looked around and I saw Snotlout giving me death glares is he really that clueless that me and Astrid are in a relationship I thought hed figure it out already

"Well as nice as that sounds Hiccup I'm... just not ready to have kids" Astrid said as she wrapped her arms around mine as I saw Ingrid and Martin smiling at us as they turned around and continued walking "but I can guarantee on other amazing stuff if your feeling stiff" Astrid said as she whispered that into my ear making me automatic thinking of stuff that I want to do to her It was only suppose to be one night but since were a couple I just cant resist her

"Thanks I'd really appreciate the offer" I said as we continued walking I feel like this is a small Date with me and Astrid and Martin and Ingrid seem to be enjoying themselves

So it's just like a small date but I'm with Astrids parents "so you want to do it when we go to bed or after you confront Heather about you know" Astrid said is she really suggesting when we should have sex "well we can have a Quicky when we get home no holding back" I said as I dont want to take it slow I need it to be quick just in case "works out for me" Astrid said as she layd her head on my shoulder

It was starting to get dark as we headed to my house where we had a nice Dinner with all of us and why is Snotlout still here he should've stayed at Berk or better yet at the ship "Master Hiccup some papers came by that need your attention it's from your Fathers buisness" Johann said as I took the papers and looked at them as they need my opinion on some stuff "place them in my room I'll check them out later this Night" I said as Johann nodded and began walking away "what was that all about Haddock" I turned around and saw he was looking at me while eating "some of my Fathers buisness place they just need my opinion on some stuff" I said as I look at the goin as I could tell what time it was

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