Hiccup vs Galiath 23

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(It's a metaphor the title)

Normal p.o.v

"Come on Toothless no messing around we gotta clean this place Johann make sure that theres some security measures I dont want Astrids dad figuring out I'm the Bat-Fury" Hiccup said as Toothless had a broom in his mouth and began sweeping till Toothless accidently knocked down a vase as he looked around as he hid the evidence under the couch as Toothless tried to act innocent and continued cleaning

Hiccup was making sure everything was in place while Johann was trying to hide any type of evidence that could link to their secret cave

As for Hiccup he was he was making sure he smelled nice and wore I nice suit "Johann what do you think" Hiccup said as he wore a leather jacket with a brown shirt underneath it and long pants with leather shoes "I think your over doing it Master Hiccup if you go out like that theyll know you were expecting them" Johann said as he grabbed a dusting broom and wipe off some dust from the shelves

As Hiccups arms lumped down as he out a lot of thought into the outfit "come on Johann help me out here Astrid and her Dad could be here in a couple of minutes at Best" Hiccup said as he went back upstairs and was standing infront if his door "how about be yourself Master Hiccup dress how you want" Johann said as Hiccup placed hes finger tips at his chin and began thinking "be myself" Hiccup said as an idea went into his head as he immidiently ran to his room and decided to get changed

Meantime with Astrid

Astrid couldnt wait as it's been awhile si ce they've seen eachother as Astrid couldnt see Hiccup because he would be spotted at the Bat-Fury so she had to forcefully wait patiently only to see him again as Astrid let the wind move her hair "Dad how much longer till we get there" Astrid said as she looked at her father as she had her usual attire on

(HTTYD 2 for that matter)

"Not long  now sweetie just a few mire minutes" Martin said as Astrid turned around and couldnt help but feel wierd that she was being watched as she wrapped her arms around herself  as then before Astrid knew it she saw a Village almost in view and when almost mwans that it also started to get dark out as the sun began setting

As Astrid smiled as she saw Village in view as the land was Bigger than Berk as Astrid was amazed at the tall buildings that were in it

As they were in the docks Astrid looked around and saw so many wealthy people wearing wealthy clothes "alright honey my men can take it from here go and try and find your supposedly boyfriend" Martin said as Astrid just gave him a certain glare "he is my boyfriend dad but anyway I'll see you soon" Astrid said as she began running into the Village and began looking around

"Amm excuse me you know where Hiccup Haddock lives" Astrid said and began asking the local folks as they all began pointing at the direction she needed to go

Till Astrid finally spotted the mansion Hiccup lived as Astrid was amazed by the size of it as she began walking up the flight of stair cases till she made it to the front door and knocked as within 2 knocks it opened "ah Mistress Astrid it's an honor to have you here please come in" as it was Johann who opened it as Astrid gladly walked in

"Hey Johann wheres Hiccup" Astrid asked as Johann had his hands behind his back "oh hes just getting ready he should be here soon please ms.Hofferson take a seat" Johann said as Astrid did as immidiently she sat down on the couch she felt like if she would sink in it as she tried to get confterble "Johann who was at the door" Hiccup asked as Astrid looked at the flight of stairs as her eyes widened as she saw Hiccup coming down the stairs with a green shirt long sleeved with a patterned square jacket with some black pants and leather boots "Astrid your here" Hiccup said as Astrid got up and speed walked towards Hiccup as they both embraced into a hug

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