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"Who in the hell will eat Maggi with ketchup????" Aishwarya yelled gaining the attention of the passers-by

"I, Me - keerthana" Kiki answered digging into her Maggi bowl.

Currently, keerthana and Aishwarya were out for a quick dinner.

Time was around 11 in the night and keerthana had dressed up for a business party that her father wanted her to attend.

Aishwarya was wearing a bright hot pink sweatshirt and a black pant and Keerthana's outfit was enough to gain attention from the world.

"Nah I don't understand! You are going attend a party in the GCT hotel and you wanna eat this Maggi here?" Aishwarya asked and keerthana nodded as she dug in more.

Shanking her head in disbelief Aishwarya looked around.
Sometimes she forgets it's not just her but her friends are equally crazy as much as her.

Soon, she noticed a Black Audi stopping in front of the shop and keerthana wiped her lips gently with a tissue and rushed to the car waving Aishwarya bye.

"Get home and text me dumbo!" She yelled before the car started off

Aishwarya nodded, as she watched the car disappear.

She turned around and started walking, the flat was just within walking distance.

It was Wednesday, the most boring yet promising day of the week! Aishwarya on a serious was not looking forward to the weekend she knew the weekend meant meeting her aunt and Harini in person and she did not want to.

Even after all the mental, verbal abuse sometimes physical the only reason Aishwarya had always struck on to Yogashree and Harini was.

They were her only family by all means and Aishwarya in every inch of her body craved love.
Love from a mate and from the family.

"Finish the assignment and bring it on Friday okay?" Vikram's text notification broke her thoughts, sending an okay text she pushed her phone back to her pocket.

Swinging her hands and walking humming a song in the middle of the night, Aishwarya felt something near a car

"Awww, my baby!" She whispered and sat on her knees and looked at the cat which just jumped out from the trash.

Picking it up carefully Aishwarya moved to the side of the road

Noticing the cat's leg was injured badly, Aishwarya looked around for help.

It was both the strength and weakness of our Aishwarya! Being a pet lover she had always wanted a cat or a dog, but being with her aunt it was not a matter to be discussed.

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