Chapter 2

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"The females need to train at least 2 hours a day" I said as gently as I could, to Devlon for the thousandth time.

"We need the females to clean the houses and take care of the children, they dont have 2 hours to spare" Did Devlon think that only females could do such things? Well then he was damn wrong!

"Males, young and old can do exactly the same as the females, concerned their chores" I know it was enough to make him understand that there is no going out of this, but i really didn't want to be called here again.

"You will find males, to do their chores if it is such a big problem, as you claim it to be" I said with a sure, confident voice I had practiced for the many years of being general.

Holding my wings tight to my back, showing Devlon that if he didn't order his men to do it. I would take his ass all over the dirt to every man and order them to either train the females or do their chores.

Don't get me wrong, Devlon is one of the only war lords that have agreed to even let females train so far. And I am grateful for it, but I really just wanna go home to the house of wind. And to the sweet tongue mate waiting there.

Devlon didn't seem to disagree nor showed any sign that he wanted to speak anymore. So I took the honor to show myself out Devlon's war tent.

I made it to the opening at the tent, before I came to halt. Two warriors came in without warning, holding a little female between them. When the warriors looked up to see who they were blocking the entrance to, their eyes widened and looked with half disgust and embarrassment.

"Who is this?" I asked the two males in front of me, pointing my eyes to the wealthy female. since I find it hard to believe a poor nobody would run around with this good clothing and jewels.

"She says, that she's in need of a map" The taller of the two answered. A map, why? Was she some spy, looking for a weakening point in the Night Court defense?

"What do you need a map for?" I decided to ask the female, who still holds her head low to hide her face or show suppression. I don't know.

"I merely need a map, to get the knowledge of where I mind be. I am quite lost you see." The female spoke with a gentle voice. It could be a trick, many would sent a sweet innocent female, to get whatever information they claim. But the female's accents sounded a little off, it sounded a little too wealthy for a female that had no idea of where she mind be.

I gave a nod of my head to the two warriors, as a signal to let the female go. I am tired and this is more Azriel's space, to figure out whether she is a spy or not. Opening my shield to my mind, to let Rhysand know that I was trying to get in contact with him.

It didn't even go 2 sec before I could feel someone's presence in my head. Creepy bastard.

"You open your mind to me, to tell me that?" Rhys asks me clearly having heard the part.

"No, i stand with some lost female that ask for a map" I explain to him, knowing he can figure out the rest.

"Allright, bring her back with you, and I will see to it" Was the last he said before leaving my mind.

Coming back to reality, I could see that she was still awaiting an answer. Holding her head low and looking all small. Maybe she really is just lost, and I blame her for being something she's not. Well she doesn't look like she's in a hurry, maybe she would appreciate some food and water, in the moonstone palace.

"I will have to take you with me, to speak with the high lord" I didn't want to give future information to the little female, before going closer to her to show her the way out of the tent, leaving no place to debate. I really needed to see Nesta, my whole body graved her.

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