Obsessed - Mavis Gary

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As you're standing in the kitchen, making yourself a drink, there's a knock on the front door. You pull the door open with a smile. The smile instantly drops. Mavis's eyes meet yours. "What the fuck, Mavis. Did you get hit by a fucking car?" you ask, shocked by her appearance. "Get out the way." she says, shoving past you. You close the door as she sits at the dining table. "Are you okay?" you ask, walking over to her. "Perfect." she says sarcastically. "Do you want a drink?" you question, walking into the kitchen. "Diet Coke." she replies. You look at her. "Why would I have Diet Coke? I don't drink it." you answer. "Vodka." she says. "I don't have that either." you say. She groans. "What do you have then?" she asks. "Coffee, Tea, Water-" you start listing. "Coffee." she cuts you off.

You make her drink and finish making your own. You carry them both over to the dining table. "Tell me what's wrong." you say as you sit. She sips her coffee. "What do you mean? Can't you see? My life is perfect." she tells you. "Mavis, quit being a dick. What's wrong?" you ask again. "I went back to Mercury." she says with a huff. "And why would you do that? You hate Mercury." you say, confused. "To see Buddy." she says. "Oh Mavis." you say, a slight frown on your face. "I love him, Y/n, and I know he loves me. He's fighting it away." she says.

"He has a family, Mave. A wife and kid." you tell her. She scoffs. "It's all an act. I could see it in his eyes." she says. "You're reading too far into this." you say. She shakes her head. "He loves me, Y/n. I know he does." she says. It seems as though she's not only trying to convince you, but also herself. "We're meant to be together. It's meant to be me with him, not Beth." she tells you, scoffing out Beth's name. "You need to sort yourself out, Mavis." you tell her. She frowns. "What do you mean?" she asks. "You need help. You need to talk to someone." you explain. She rolls her eyes.

"I get it. You're obsessed with him, but you need to understand that he is happy. He has built this life with Beth. You need to move on, Mavis." you say. "Why does everyone have to have perfect fucking lives with their perfect fucking husbands while I'm here, a fucking wreck, with nothing?" she asks, her voice raised. "You-" you start. "Like look at you, Y/n. You have this perfect house, this perfect appearance, this perfect job. I'm here, a messy apartment, raggy clothes, and pushing the deadline for my next book." she explains. "I don't have a husband, Mave." you tell her. "Well no shit. You're a fucking lesbian." she says. "Wow, thanks for telling me." you say with a chuckle.

"Why has my life got to be so shit?!" she yells. "You need to get help." you tell her. "I don't want fucking help." she says. "Mavis, listen to me." you start. Her eyes lock with yours. "I talk to people like this daily. It's my job. I can help you. You need someone to talk to about this." you say. "About what?" she questions. "About this unhealthy obsession with a happily married man you have." you tell her.

"No, I don't, Y/n." she scoffs. "Yes, you do Mavis! Look at yourself." you say, your voice raised. She looks down. You sigh. You stand. "Come." you say. You grab her hand and lead her into your bedroom. You stand her infront of the mirror. "Look at yourself, Mavis. What do you see?" you ask. "A piss-poor excuse of an Author." she answers. "Well do you want to know what I see?" you ask. "I see a beautiful, strong woman who's struggling. I see a person who can overcome anything if she has the right resources and help. I see my bestfriend Mavis Gary." you tell her.

She starts crying. She turns around. You wrap your arms around her as she cries into your shoulder. "It's okay, Mavis. I'll help you get the help you need." you tell her. She sniffles and looks up. "Promise?" she asks. You smile sympathetically. "Promise. Now, go have a shower. I'll grab you some clothes. Feel free to use whatever you need. There's a spare toothbrush under the sink if you need it." you tell her.

She disappears into the bathroom. As you're gathering clothes for her, you hear her sobs. It breaks your heart seeing her like this.

You place the clothes in the bathroom and head back out to the kitchen. As you're washing the dirty mugs, you hear footsteps behind you. "Where should I put my dirty clothes?" she asks. "Chuck them in the washing machine. It's empty. Don't worry about turning it on." you say. She disappears without another word. She returns not long later, sniffling. "Right, put your shoes on. We're going to get something for lunch." you tell her.

As you're sitting in your car, Mavis looks at you. "Why do you do this for me, Y/n? You're always there for me. Why?" she asks. "Because I love you, Mavis. You're my bestfriend and I want what's best for you. It breaks me seeing you like this." you explain. She wipes her nose. "I love you too." she says. You smile and grab her hand gently. "I know." you say quietly. She chuckles a little. "Right, what do you want to eat?"

A.N: Nah Young Adult lowkey slays. Mavis is too relatable, it's scary.

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