Royalty (2) - Queen Ravenna

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A day and a bit has passed. You haven't really seen Queen Ravenna, other than at Breakfasts, Lunchs, and Dinners. As you're brushing Macey's coat, you hear two sets of footsteps approaching you. "Are you going for a ride?" you Father asks as he stops just outside Macey's stable. You look up at him. "I might. Not right now, though. I haven't eaten lunch." you reply. You notice Queen Ravenna looking at Macey, a peaceful smile on her face. "She's beautiful." she says. You look back at Macey, then to Queen Ravenna. You smile widely. "She is, isn't she?" you respond. Queen Ravenna nods, still smiling.

Over lunch, you hear Ambrose talking to your Mother about going from a ride. "Ambrose, I told you I'm busy this afternoon. I'm helping out in the Gardens." she says. His hopeful facial expression drops completely. He sinks into his seat. "Ams, I'll take you for a ride." you tell him. He perks up. "Really?" he asks, excitedly. You smile and nod. He grins. "Okay!" he exclaims. "May I join?" Queen Ravenna asks. Ambrose nods and you smile. "Of course, Queen Ravenna." you reply with a smile of your own. She smiles with a slight nod.

Your parents exit the dining hall, leaving Queen Ravenna, Ambrose, and yourself alone. "Are we all done?" you ask as you wipe your mouth. Ambrose nods excitedly. "Yes, Princess. We are." Queen Ravenna replies. You blush a little. "Alright, let's go." you tell them. Ambrose races off to the stables, Queen Ravenna and you following behind him. "He seems like a lovely young man." Queen Ravenna says. You nod. "He really is." you reply.

Once all three of you are at the stables, Ambrose sorts out his horse Gunner while the stable keeper sorts out a horse for Queen Ravenna. You get Macey ready. By the time you're done, Queen Ravenna and Ambrose are chatting outside the stables. You walk Macey over to them then mount her. The three of you trot off towards the forest. As Queen Ravenna and yourself talk, Ambrose interrupts you. "Race you to the forest." he says. "Oh it's on." you say. You flick Queen Ravenna a quick smile then race off, trailing just behind Ambrose.

Queen Ravenna follows along. She laughs to herself as Ambrose and yourself get closer and closer to the forest. Ambrose beats you by a short three seconds. "Aha! I win." he gloats. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." you reply playfully. "You're just upset that you're not as fast." he teases. Queen Ravenna catches up to you guys. "I don't care that you beat me." you tell him. He laughs. "Yeah right. Sore loser." he replies as he trots off into the forest. "Little asshole." you say. Queen Ravenna laughs.

Queen Ravenna and yourself follow closely behind Ambrose. "Do you know where you're going?" you ask him. He nods. You snort. "How? You've never been this way before." you tell him. He shrugs. "I'll find my way. It can't be that hard." he says. You roll your eyes. Queen Ravenna smiles. "Just follow me." you tell him. He scoffs but follows anyway. You lead the other two to the clearing.

"This is where I come to chill out by myself, or do Archery." you tell them as you dismount Macey. Queen Ravenna dismounts the horse she's on. Ambrose stays on Gunner. "Where's the target?" he asks. You point towards a tree. "Over there." you tell him. He notices it and rides over to it. Queen Ravenna and yourself follow. "So when Father, you, and I come out here this will be where we practise?" he asks "Yes, it will be. Unless Father gets someone to put up one somewhere else, that is." you reply. He nods.

The three of you spend a while longer in the clearing. Queen Ravenna and youself chat about this and that while Ambrose explores. "How long left do you have in Levaria?" you ask. "I leave tomorrow. King Giddeon and I are just about finished discussing, organizing, and going over what I came here to do." she replies. Your mood drops a little but your smile stays the same. "Oh okay. It's been lovely having you here." you tell her. She blushes and looks towards the ground. "Thank you. It's been amazing staying here. Your family is so lovely and the Kingdom is beautiful." she tells you. You nod.

"Not many people like my family. They all think we're evil, or just horrible people." you tell her. She tilts her head in confusion. "Why's that?" she asks. You shrug. "I have no idea. Not once has my Father, or Mother, done anything wrong. Not from what I know of, at least." you reply. She raises her eyebrows. You look around you, taking in the environment as if it were a new one.

You three have been away from the castle for about an hour and a half now. "We should probably head back." you say as you stand. Queen Ravenna goes to stand. You offer your hand and she takes it. You help her up. "Thank you, Princess." she says with a smile. You smile back. "You're welcome." you reply. Queen Ravenna and yourself mount your horses then ride over to Ambrose. "Right, come on Amb. Time to head back." you say. He mounts Gunner. The three of you ride your way out of the forest and back to the castle.

"That was a very beautiful area, Princess." Queen Ravenna says. "It is, isn't it?" you reply. She nods. "I'll have to take you back if you ever come to visit again." you tell her. She nods again. "Please do. I'm sure I'll come back sooner or later." she replies. "Hopefully sooner, rather than later. I've really enjoyed your company over the past few days." you tell her. She blushes. "I've enjoyed yours too, Princess." she says.

You ride for the next minute of so in silence. "You know, Queen Ravenna, you're the only person who calls me just 'Princess'." you tell her. She looks at you and you both make eye contact. "Consider it a special nickname." she smiles. You nod. "I already do." you reply. She chuckles softly. "Good to know."


The next morning, your family stands near the Kingdom gates to wish Queen Ravenna farewell. Your Mother and yourself curtsy as your brother and Father bow. Queen Ravenna curtsies back, then walks over to you. She grabs your hands then pulls you into an embrace. "Thank you, Princess for making the last few days so amazing. I couldn't have wished for a better person to keep me company." she tells you. You smile as blush attacks your skin. You notice both of your parents smiling in the corner of your eye. "You're welcome, Queen Ravenna. It's been amazing having you here. I've loved spending time with you. Please, don't hesitate to return. You'll be greeted with open arms." you tell her. She smiles with a nod.

She mounts her horse. "Thank you all for having me. I really appreciate it." she says. All four of you smile. Queen Ravenna smiles back "Thank you again, Princess." she says. You nod with a smile. "You're very welcome, Queen Ravenna." you reply.

She takes off, surrounded by guards. Once they've left, Ambrose disappears into the castle. Your Mother and Father walk over to you. Your Father rests a hand on your shoulder. "Princess, huh?" he asks. You look at him, a twinge of embarrassment forming in your chest. He smiles widely. "She's a good one, Y/n." your Mother says. You nod. "She is indeed." your Father agrees. You smile to yourself as they both head back into the castle. "She most definitely is a good one." you mutter to yourself.

A.N: Here's part 2 :)

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