Books - Mavis Gary

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Wandering around a book store, you're trying to find a present for your niece. She's growing up just as you did; in love with reading. You stop, your gaze caught by a specific cover. You reach for it and turn it over to read the back. Suddenly, the feeling of eyes hits you. You pause reading but don't bother looking around. You resume reading. Once you're done reading the cover, you add it to the stack in your other arm.

You pivot to continue down the aisle when the blonde comes into view. You look at her for a second before recognition hits. You walk towards her. "Mavis Gary." you exclaim. She looks at you, her mouth ajar. "Y/n Y/l/n. I- what are you still doing in Mercury?" she asks, shocked, or possibly confused. "I'm here for my niece's birthday." you reply. She closes her mouth with a swallow. "So you're not living here?" she questions. You shake your head.

She glances to the stack of books in your arms. "Those for you or the niece?" she asks. You smile, looking at the pile yourself. "Niece. She's quite the reader." you explain. Mavis nods. A slight sparkle enters her eyes as she stares at the top book on the pile. You chuckle. "This one I know she'll love." you say, tapping on the cover. A small smile tugs at Mavis' lips. "You're quite a talented writer." you tell. Mavis' eyes are ripped from the cover. "You've read my work?" she asks. You shake your head slightly "I haven't, no, but my niece's friends love it." you tell her. She licks her bottom lip before rubbing them together.

"What are you doing back in Mercury?" you question. "Uhm, just a visit." she replies. "It's got nothing to do with Buddy?" you ask. She doesn't reply. "Oh, Mavis. Still? It's been twenty years." you tell her. She still doesn't reply. "Come with me. Let's grab a drink." you propose. "I mean, if you want to." she replies. You nod. "I do. I've just got to pay for these." you confirm.

Once everything is sorted with the books, you both make your way to a bar. "I can't lie, Mavis, I didn't think I'd bump into you after highschool." you tell her before sipping your drink. "I almost forgot you existed." she replies. You laugh. "I'm glad there is an almost in that sentence." you say. She smiles, sipping her drink.

An hour and a bit passes. The sound of the door shutting catches your attention. You glance outside, then at your watch. "Right, I better get going. I have a stack of books to wrap for tomorrow." you say as you stand. Mavis stands with you. "It was nice seeing you again." she mentions. You nod in agreement. "It was nice seeing you too. I hope to catch you before either of us leave." you tell her. "Yes, me too."

You leave the bar after paying, then with a smile, climb into your car and head to your motel. Out of all people you thought you might see while being home, Mavis Gary was not at all one of them.

A.N: This is shit. Lets not mention it.

This is also the final oneshot in this "series" I guess you could call it. When I gather the motivation, I'm going to start a new "volume" of Charlize, and possibly other actress/character, oneshots.

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