Protective - Elaine Markinson

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As you enter the office floor, you hear the semi-distant sound of an arguement. "Elaine and Richard are at it again." Melanie tells you as you walk towards your office. "Of course they are. What is it this time?" you ask. She follows you into your office. "Something about Richard wanting to follow through with a plan, even though the plan lacks logic and isn't at all reasonable." she tells you. You roll your eyes. "Sounds like everyday Richard to me." you reply. Melanie laughs. "Pretty much."

The shouting continues for a while. You leave your office, only to be met by the faces of annoyed workers. "This is fucking you all off, isn't it?" you ask. Everyone nods. You nod with them. "Not surprised." you say. You walk towards Elaine's office. You knock, but no one answers. You push the door open. The first thing you see it Richard with his arm raised as if to hit Elaine.

As you walk over to him, he brings his hand towards her face. Just before he can hit her, you grab the beck of his collar and yank him away. He stumbles backwards and you shove him right up against the wall, your forearm pressed against his throat. "What the fuck was that?" you say, stern and loud, but not quite a shout. Richard reaches for you but you press harder on his throat. "I said, what the fuck was that, Richard!?" you shout. He raises his arms in the air. "I-I'm sorry." he stutters. You press even harder. His face starts to go read from lack of oxygen and blood.

"Argue all you like, but don't you fucking dare raise your hands or fists at her every again. Do you hear me?" you shout. People start to gather by the door. "She wasn't lis-" he starts. "I don't give a flying fuck what she was doing. Do not raise your hands or fists at her again." you say through gritted teeth. "Y/n, I-" he tries. "Did she hit you first?" you ask. He doesn't reply. "Did she hit you first!?" you shout. He shakes his head. "Didn't fucking think so." you say. You press lighter against his throat. He gasps for air. "Pull an act like that towards Elaine again, and you won't hand any fucking hands to pull the act with." you threaten.

You pull back. Richard fixes his shirt. "You won't do shit." he says. You grip his throat with your hand, squeezing slightly. "You have no fucking idea what I'll do Richard. Try me. I dare you." you say. You let go of his throat. He slides down the wall a little, trying to steady his balance. "Apologize." you order. He doesn't respond. You reach down and fist his shirt, pulling him to your eye level. "Apologize." you repeat. You turn and shove him forward. He stumbles a little.

"I'm sorry." he says as he looks towards the ground. "Look her in the eyes and say it, you fucking coward." you tell him. He looks up and his eyes meet Elaine's. "I'm sorry." he repeats. She doesn't reply, nor do you expect her to. You fist the back of his shirt and pull him towards the office door, forcing him out. He falls to the ground. "I'd watch yourself around me, Richard. One wrong move and you might not have a tongue." you warn. He nods and hurries to his office.

Everyone heads back to their desks. You walk back into Elaine's office. "Are you okay?" you ask as you walk over to her. She nods. "Are you sure? If he pulled anything-" you start. She grabs your hands. "Y/n, he didn't do anything." she reassures you. You nod. She rests her forehead on yours. You kiss her then pull her into a hug. "Thank you." she whispers. "You're welcome, honey." you whisper back.

You both pull back. "I love you, Elaine." you tell her. She smiles and kisses you. "I love you, Y/n."

A.N: I wouldn't even put this past Richard tbh

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