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My heart was pounding. My feet were moving fast as if I were running but my body was not moving anywhere. I moved as fast as I could, pushing myself. Then suddenly, in the dark, I heard the familiar voice.

You destroyed lives. You ruined everything! How could you? HOW COULD YOU?!

Moments later my eyes opened and I sat straight up. I was covered in sweat. My heart was racing still signaling I had yet another nightmare. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and moved the blankets off me.

It had been 10 years since I defeated Ranrok and yet I still had nightmares. They never stopped. After everything I had been through, the nightmares were the worst. They did not happen nightly, but enough to still haunt me so many years later.

I noticed the sunlight coming through the window was slightly blocked from a shadow. I looked up and noticed an owl.

"Well, hello. What are you doing here so early?" I spoke out loud. The owl dropped a letter on my desk and left before I could recognize it. I got out of bed and opened the letter.


I hope I did not send this too early.

I've discovered some interesting news and would love your help if you're up to it.

Meet at my house if you can this afternoon. I hope that did not sound too demanding?

Hope to see you soon,

Poppy had remained one of my dearest friends. Her and I went on many adventures throughout the rest of our Hogwarts time taking down poachers and saving animals. Poppy continued to surprise me with adventures even well into our adult years. I assumed this letter would be yet another adventure to add to the memories.

I had no idea what this would lead to.

I got dressed and readied myself to go meet Poppy later that afternoon. I walked out of my room and entered into the main part of the castle.

"Good morning Professor Y/L/N" a student greeted me.

"Good morning." I smiled back. I headed up the stairs leading to the defense against the dark arts tower. It was strange being in such a familiar area, even after all these years of being the DADA professor.

Sometimes, I'd find myself often wandering around the Ravenclaw tower reminiscing on my time here as a student. I'd often want to go in the common room, forgetting I'm a professor and not a student. It was weird being back but comforting at the same time. Hogwarts wasn't my home for long, but it was the only true home I ever felt I had.

I walked into my office to make sure I had no more letters and prepared to gather some things I was sure I'd need to meet with my dear friend later. One did not meet with Poppy Sweeting for an adventure without being prepared.

As the day winded down, I apparated to Poppy's house. She lived in a cottage in Keenbridge. Her cottage was surrounded by hills of land, more than enough for all the beasts she's rescued over the years.

As I got closer to the home, I noticed a familiar face standing near the front door.

"Fancy meeting you here." He said smiling.

"Imagine that. Running into the Garreth Weasley at his own home. Who would have thought?" I replied jokingly. Garreth laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's not much of a surprise when you're always around."

"And where is your wife?" I asked him looking for Poppy. Garreth smiled as if the word wife still amazed him. He and Poppy had been married for nearly five years now and yet he still acted as if they were newly dating every day. I have always been happy that my closest friend found such a true love in Weasley.

"I'm right here."

Poppy came from around the back of the house. She carried a large feed bucket signaling that she had just been feeding the creatures she was currently caring for.

"Poppy. Always good to see you."

"You as well y/n. I'm glad you got my owl and decided to join me. I could use your help." She said, her tone turning serious.

"I'll let you ladies talk. Y/n, great to see you again. Don't get my darling wife over here in too much trouble." Garreth gave a wink at Poppy. She playfully shoved him and he walked back inside the house.

"So what's this about? You're note sounded exciting and serious. I'm expecting some sort of quest." I joked. It was always an adventure with Poppy.

"Just a bit. I have gotten word that my parents are possibly back in the area. Apparently they're searching for a specific dragon egg that I have been keeping safe." Her tone was very serious.

"Oh Poppy. I did not realize it was that serious. Have your parents tried reaching out to you?"

"Not yet. But I'm concerned. I've got some rare creatures here on the farm and if they know that I'm keeping the egg safe, I'm afraid they'll try to come here. Both for information and the other creatures I have." She said, concern clearly in her eyes.

"I need your help. We need to figure out a plan to keep the egg safe and my parents away. I know, it's risky. And I would not ask if I wasn't truly concerned. The last thing I need is them showing up on the farm and harassing me or Garreth."

"Of course I'll help you Poppy. Just let me know when and where and I'll be there." I smiled at Poppy, wanting to comfort her. I would do anything for her. She was the closest friend I had since leaving Hogwarts. I wanted to make sure she knew I would be there for her.

"I knew I could count on you y/n. You are a true friend." She said grabbing my arm gently. I smiled back and her.

"Now. Shall we have some tea? That is, so long as Garreth hasn't tried to turn into some sort of concoction at this point." Poppy giggled.

I held onto my friends arm as we headed inside her home, unaware of the adventure I had just agreed to go on and what it would entail.

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