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"Now Leviosa may seem like a simple spell, but it is one that can save you from any attack. It catches your opponent off guard." I said speaking to my class of first years.

"We will start with something small. Try practicing on the feathers in front of you." I waved my wand at their desks pointing to the feathers that laid there. They all started to recite the incantation. A few got it right away, some struggled. One groaned.

"Miss Y/l/n, does this really even help in a fight? Making a simple feather float?" The little girl said looking up at me. I smiled and nodded at her.

"You would be surprised the amount of people I have caught off guard with a spell as simple as Leviosa."

I paused for a moment, thinking back on all the adventures I had been on where that spell came in handy. I looked up at the clock and realized the time.

"That is all for today. Please remember to practice Leviosa but not on each other." I said sternly looking over at some of my more troublemaker students.

The students grabbed their things and scurried off. I walked into my office just as Poppy's owl happened to be flying in and dropping a note on my desk.

"Thank-you Winky."

Winky flew out of the window just as I grabbed the letter. I opened it up and recognized the handwriting right away.


I've just received some troubling news about the issue we are dealing with. Can you meet at my house tonight? I've also contacted Natty and Sebastian. We can use all the help we can get right now.


I read over the letter a few times, concerned about the contents. It took me a second before I even realized who Poppy had invited along. Natty and...


I looked over at the clock and remembered I had one more class before I could head over to Poppy and Garreth's house. I waited, a bit impatiently, as my next class practiced dueling. All I could think of was Poppy's letter. How badly I wanted to rush over there to help my friend.

But I was also curious as to what it meant by her inviting Sebastian. Was it really that big of an issue that we could not handle it ourselves? I felt concerned and nervous all at the same time.

Class ended and I readied myself to head over to the Weasley's house. I used the nearest floo powder and arrived just down the road from them. The sun was setting and the moon was starting to rise in the sky. I could feel my heart racing with anticipation as I got closer to their home, unaware of what events the evening might hold.

I knocked on the door and Garreth answered quicker than I anticipated.

"Y/n. Come in." He said softly, holding the door open for me.

"Garreth, thank-you."

I walked into their home and saw just Poppy sitting at the kitchen table. She was holding a cup of tea in her hand and had several papers laid out in front of her. She looked up at me.

"Y/n. Oh thank-you for coming."

Poppy stood up as she me walk into the room. She rushed over to hug me and I could feel the tension in her. Something definitely was not right.

"Of course, Poppy. What is going on?" I asked sensing the concern.

"Oh Y/n. It's worse than we thought. But I'd rather wait for everyone else to arrive before I explain."

Garreth poured a cup of tea and sat it on the table in what I presumed would be my seat. He and Poppy sat back down where their cups were and he gently grabbed Poppy's hand and held it on the table.

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