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Warning: Mature Content 🍺
It had been a few days since I last saw Poppy and discussed the issue of her poacher parents. We decided we needed to come up with a plan on how to go about this situation.

Poppy wrote an owl asking me to meet her at the Three Broomsticks so we could map out a plan. Natsai Onai would be meeting us as well. Natty was on the Magical Law Enforcement Squad since graduating from Hogwarts. She knew what had been happening with Poppy and her parents and wanted to offer some help, especially since the Ministry did not seem to care about poachers once Natty brought the situation up to them.

Poppy and I walked into the Three Broomsticks and saw Natty already searching for a table. Sirona, the barkeep, was heading up to Natsai as we entered.

"Sirona, my friend, it is so good to see you." Natty said as she sat at a table near the fireplace.

"Natty. What a welcomed surprise. Table just for you?" Sirona asked. Natty was about to answer when Poppy reached the table.

"Actually, for three. Hello Sirona." Poppy said smiling at the barkeep. Sirona turned and smiled back at us.

"Poppy. Y/N. How wonderful it is to see the three of you together. A round of butterbeers on me?"

"Sirona you will never keep this place open if you keep giving us free butterbeers." Natty has a point. Sirona was always offering up free butterbeers to us. I appreciated her kindness, but it somehow made me feel guilty that she'd never let us pay.

"After what this one did over here saving all of wizardkind, I could give free butterbeers for life as a thank-you." Sirona said pointing at me. It was difficult to think of myself as a hero yet people still treated me that way, even after all these years.

We sat at the table as Sirona brought over our butterbeers. Natty took the first big sip and let out a long sigh.

"This was much needed after the month I've had. I'm so happy to see you both again. It has been too long."

"I agree." Poppy said raising her mug and then taking a sip. I was about to agree with them when I heard a commotion at the front of the bar. Natty was the first to gasp. Poppy's eyes grew a bit wide then they both looked at me.

"Wha-" I managed to get out not even a full word before I turned around and saw him standing there.

Sebastian Sallow.

It had been years since we have seen each other and yet here he was walking into the Three Broomsticks as if we were back at Hogwarts. It wasn't long before I noticed Ominis Gaunt following beside him. I was aware that Ominis and Sebastian still talked even after Hogwarts, but I had never heard Ominis mention them hanging out. I spoke with Ominis often especially since he still lived close to Hogwarts. We would often meet up to discuss life and remained close friends. Sebastian on the other hand, we have not spoken in years.

A lot happens when you try to reverse a dark curse on your friend's twin while also saving the wizarding world. We continued to talk in our short time at Hogwarts, but with Sebastian being gone most of sixth year after what happened, it left a rift in our relationship. That rift just continued to grow after we left Hogwarts and he continued his search for a cure for Anne. Now here he was, standing in the same room as me as a stranger. I was haunted and mesmerized at the same time.

"Sirona! You're still here!" He said walking towards the bar. His voice was deeper than I remembered.

"Mr. Sallow. It's been some time since I've seen you around here." Sirona said. She started to get the butterbeer ready for him and Ominis when she pointed near our table.

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