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Warning: Mature Content 🍺

Sebastian's POV

"Ominis, come on. Just one drink? It's been so long since I've been in Hogsmeade."

Ominis lowered his head. I was finally back at Feldcroft and Ominis was acting as if going to Hogsmeade was the worse possible idea.

"Fine Sebastian. We can go. But just one drink. I do not want another repeat of last time." Ominis was referring to my last visit to the Three Broomsticks almost a year ago now. I might have had one too many drinks and Ominis struggled getting me home. I don't remember much of it, but he has reminded me every time that it was not a great night, or at least it wasn't for him.

"You know, as an obliviator, I sometimes wish you would use that memory charm to take away some of your own memories." I joked.

Ominis said nothing but I saw the small smirk on his face. I was always shocked when Ominis joined the ministry as an obliviator. It was not a career I saw for him, but when he explained how he could help muggles not remember the pain some dark wizards have put them through like what his family had done, it made sense. Ominis, as snarky as he could be, was always wanting to help people. Especially the innocent.

We used the nearest floo powder and arrived at Hogsmeade just as the moon was hitting the top of the sky. I breathed in the air around me, enjoying the liveliness of the town.

"I don't know what it is about this place but it truly is magical."

"Quite literally, I might add."

"Ominis Gaunt. Did you just tell a joke?" I smirked at my friend.

Life had changed so much since Hogwarts, but Ominis and I had remained close. I did not see him as often as I had wished, but he was my oldest and dearest friend. I was glad that he never held fifth year against me.

"I can be humorous at times Sebastian." He said, almost annoyed. I laughed and started walking towards the bar. I opened the door a little louder than I had intended to and noticed Sirona near the bar. She turned and looked at me and smiled.

"Sirona! You're still here." I said as we walked toward the bar. Ominis and I both ordered some butterbeers. Sirona mentioned how it had been some time since she saw me. Suddenly she pointed over towards a table behind me.

"Seems you aren't the only ex-Hogwarts student to have wandered in here tonight." She said. I turned curious as to who else was here but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. The moment I turned around, there she was.

Y/N Y/L/N.

It had been years since we have seen each other and I felt as if this was a dream for just a moment. Her bright eyes stared at me as I saw her. I did not even notice who she was sitting with at first. All I could see was her.

I noticed I was staring a bit too long and felt like I needed to say something, but what? What could I say to the girl who I had stopped talking to all those years ago? I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Ominis! Look what we have here. It's some of our old Hogwarts friends."

You idiot.

I wasn't sure why I had made a joke of all things to say, but it was the first thing I could think of. I patted Ominis' back as I said it, gesturing him to move with me towards the table Y/N was sitting at. It wasn't until I got closer that I realized Natsai Onai and Poppy Sweeting were also at the table.

She still has the same friends after all these years. Everyone except-

"Hello Sebastian, Ominis. It is good to see you both." Natsai said as we got closer to the table.

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