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"Hello? Anyone home?" I called out as I pushed the already opened door.

"We're in here!" The voice called back. I walked through the kitchen and to the back of the house where a little room sat.

The window let in the morning light, giving everything in the room a slight glow. Garreth was moving something in the corner of the room while Poppy was pacing.

"What are you two doing?"

"Just making sure it's all perfect." Poppy said quietly. Garreth stood up and turned away from the bassinet he had just moved.

"It is perfect. I've told her a thousand times. The room is more than ready for the baby. But she insists on spending all day here." He said teasingly.

I watched as Poppy rubbed her hand across her stomach. She would be having the baby any day now, so I came over practically every day to see if there was anything she needed help with.

Garreth shook his head and chuckled to himself as Poppy asked him to move the bassinet back to the original spot it was in before I came into the room.

"Poppy, the room is perfect. You should be resting while you still can." I said as I grabbed her hand.

"Come on, I'll make us all some tea." I said, leading Poppy out of the room.

"Oh, her you'll listen to?" Garreth called back jokingly as he finished moving the bassinet once more. He followed us into the kitchen while I started to make the tea.

"So, any name ideas yet?" I asked. I heard Poppy laugh.

"Only a thousand! We can't decide to save our lives!"

"That's because you keep changing your mind, darling."

"I'm sure it'll be easier to name the baby once they are actually here." I laughed as I set the cups down.

I sat at the table holding my cup in front of me and felt a sudden chill. Just a few years ago, I was sitting in this exact seat when Poppy and Garreth told us about Mira. I almost felt tears thinking of everything we went through to get to this point.

I looked across the room at the door and remembered the moment precisely. I remembered Garreth opening the door and Sebastian walking in. I remembered him taking his coat off and locking eyes with me.

Everything was so confusing and muddled. I remembered the tension I felt and the way my heart would race with every step closer he took to where I was sitting. The moment felt like it was a lifetime ago but also just yesterday.

I looked back down at my cup and almost felt tears in my eyes as I thought back on everything. Life was finally calm. Ominis and Natty were dating now. Poppy and Garreth were having a baby soon. It felt as if good things were finally allowed to happen.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Poppy asked. I looked up at her, breaking my thoughts as I forced a smile on my face.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. Sorry. Just lost my train of thought I suppose." I took a sip of my tea and tried to move the conversation forward.

"So, Garreth, are you going to apply for the potions position at Hogwarts now that Sharp is retiring?"

"I've been thinking about it. It would be a wonderful job. And I could keep an eye on the little one once they're in school like Aunt Matilda did with me." He joked. Poppy rolled her eyes as she kept her hand on her stomach.

"Because that would go over just so well." She joked back. The two of them laughed and I watched them with content.

I felt so much joy that my friends were all finally so happy. Everything was just as it was meant to be.

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