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Warning: Mature Content 🫥
Sebastian's POV

December 1899

"Are you sure? You know where she is precisely?" Ominis had questioned.

"Yes, Ominis. I've been tracking her for the last five months. I know exactly where she is." I gathered my papers together and began shoving them in my bag.

"So the ministry is just sending you out to go get her? Alone?"

"No, not alone. Northcott is going with me. He's been caught up and has helped me on a few of her cases."

Ominis sighed. I knew he was worried but this was my job. What else was I supposed to do, tell the ministry no? I signed up for this. After the things I had seen Mira do, I knew I had to stop her.

Ominis stood up and waved his wand towards a stack of parchment that was near my desk. A few flew up in the air and landed gently in front of me.

"I want you to write out exactly where you will be. In case anything happens, if I don't hear from you, I'll know where to go." I looked at Ominis' face. He had the most serious look I had ever seen.

Ominis never enjoyed when I discussed Mira. Especially when I mentioned the things she had done to muggles just for the fun of it. He actually had to help me on one case as an obliviator. It was painful for him, I could tell, but he always held it together so well.

"Ominis, there's no need for that. I've got Northcott and the Ministry already behind me." I dismissed the parchment.

Ominis waved a quill towards me and let it dangle in front of my face.

"I won't stop until you write it down, Sebastian. I have all day." He was a stubborn person.

I knew I wouldn't get away with not giving Ominis what he asked. I drew out the location and handed it to him.


He smirked, "Very much so." He was snarky when he got his way. His smirk quickly dropped though as he furrowed his brows. I sighed.

"What is it now? You look annoyed still." I finished shoving the papers in my bag and closed it up.

"Please be careful, Sebastian. We have seen the things Mira is capable of. I do not want you to underestimate her." His voice had a serious tone, lower than normal.

"She will hurt you if she feels the need to. Hurt you...or more."

I walked around my desk and placed one hand on Ominis' shoulder. His body twitched ever so slightly as I gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"I'll be careful Ominis. I promise. I've got a plan and help. I'm not going in there blindly." I half lied. I had help but did not exactly have a plan.

Find Mira. Take her down.

That was the plan. Ominis would have panicked if he heard the full extent of it. I decided to keep that information to myself.

Ominis nodded his head. I started to walk out of my office when his voice rang out once more to me.

"Think of Y/n, Sebastian." He paused as he listened for my footsteps to stop.

They did.

"I can't live with having to tell her anything has happened to you." He almost whispered. I waited for a moment.

What was I supposed to say to that? I had not spoken to Y/n in five years but that was also entirely my fault.

Ominis kept me up to date here and there on her life but I only asked so much about her.

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