Someone cool

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It's like the Yule Ball all over again.

Harry couldn't ask out the girl he likes, seeing some other guy beat him to it.

Harry is running out of options, sure he has a larger pool of potential partners to ask in accompanying him to Professor Slughorn's Exclusive Christmas Party. But that's the thing– it's exclusive. He doesn't want to be stuck with someone that would bore him to death in a social networking party he didn't want to attend in the first place yet needs to since Dumbledore tasked him to be close to the professor.

Harry needed to find a girl, who can keep me sane among the overload of ass-kissers most certainly present at the event. How hard can finding that perfect lady be?


Usually when they're in the library, Harry is the one getting scolded for being too loud. Although lately, he and Hermione seemingly have switched places.

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I really couldn't care less."

Ever since Ron and Lavender became a thing. Harry had to endure these mini jealous rants from Hermione — or in her words 'opinions', because even as smart as Hermione. She is too blind to see that she is in love with Ron.

These rants have only gotten more frequent when the couple became totally comfortable with full-on making out every second they get and in all honesty, this has led to Harry joking in on Hermione's rants.

This gave him an idea, he could still survive the party.

"Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together?" Hermione continued. "Yes. Of course, now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements."

Harry almost bumped into her when Hermione abruptly turned. "Have you?"

"Yes. Why?" Hermione questioned, letting the last book levitate back to its place.

"I just thought, you know.." Harry shrugged. "since neither one of us can take who we'd really like... maybe we'd go together. As friends."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Quipped Hermione, internally scolding herself for not having thought of the idea.

"So who are you taking?"

Hermione crosses her arms, how she wishes she could just fold into herself and disappear for the rest of the term. "Um... it's a surprise. Besides, it's you we need to worry about. And you can't pick just anyone."

"Why not? It's not like I haven't had experience asking a girl out?" He said defensively, he successfully asked Parvati to the yule ball, albeit mumbling. "I bet loads of girls would love to go out with me!"

Hermione sighs. "We need to find someone who is not only interested in you because they think you're the Chosen One and get their fifteen minutes of fame. You know that, right?

Harry's eyebrows narrowed, forced together into a pronounced frown. "But I am the Chosen One."

Hermione cocks her head at him, exasperated. "HARRY!"

Earning him a hit on the head. Damn her arms are strong. "Okay. Kidding. I'll just ask someone I like. Someone cool."


"Someone cool, someone cool..." Harry muttered to himself as if chanting the words again and again would magically help him find the one.

"You know what would be cool, Potter." You say, appearing behind the boy. Your hair is all out of place and  your sweat-soaked sports shirt is sticking to you. "If the one who asked – no sorry begged for the seeker training boot camp to have actually shown up."

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