Self conscious ~

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Request: y/n starts to feel self conscious around Harry and other people.

This request was suggested by @Fr3nch1e

House: gryffindor

Year: 6th year

(Ps No voldy moldy cheese so bambi and lily are alive in this but won't talk or come up 🤭)

(Another thing... STAN JAMES POTTER)

I'll shut up now.

Y/n stood there in her gryffindor dorm room that she had shared with her best friend Hermione granger. She couldn't help but to compare herself to her. She looked in the mirror looking at the reflection, she let a few tears fall. Just standing there in her undergarments sucking in her stomach. She looked away disgusted at her reflection . She put on her robes and looked in the mirror again. "Why couldn't I be pretty like Hermione?" She thought to herself. Hermione was perfect in every way. Why couldn't she have the body like most girls around hogwarts?

She had walked out of the portrait door as the bell to the first class had rang. She'd missed breakfast.


"Y/n where we're you? You weren't at breakfast Harry was looking everywhere for you?" Hermione whispered to her friend as they had worked on brewing a potion.

Y/n didn't look up at all as she could feel the chosen ones eyes dig into the back of her skull. "Overslept, sorry" she let out a nervous laugh.
Y/n knew Harry had notice a change in her behaviour, she knew Hermione did to. It wasn't like y/n to 'oversleep.'

"Is everything okay with you? You've been acting a bit different?" Y/n was quick to answer "different? Different how?" She let out another nervous smile. "Y/n I'm your bestfriend if you need to speak to someone you know I'm always here right?" "I know Hermione and everything is fine" she lied.


Y/n had sat at the gryffindor table uncomfortable. Ron was stuffing his face like normal, Hermione having her nose stuffed in a book and then Harry just holding her while eating. Y/n looked down at her plate as she started to put on some fruit and some bread. It didn't take her long.

"Is that all you're eating baby?" Harry looked down at her. "Yeah not hungry really. Guess that's what you get for oversleeping"
"So you're not gonna have a slice of butterscotch tart? Your favourite?" Ron had piped up into the conversation. Y/n shook her head as Ron raised his eyebrows. "Weird." He put a spoonful of jelly in his mouth. "Y/n you've been oversleeping all week. What do you do at night?"

She didn't answer Hermione's question. Y/n had carefully moved Harry's hand from around her waist and stood up. "I'll see you after class" she pecked Harry's lips then walked off.

"God Hermione what have you done to the poor girl. Class don't start for another 20 minutes." Ron had laughed while Hermione had rolled her eyes. Harry on the other hand had gotten up and followed her.

Y/n had walked into the common room. Y/n made her way to her dorm to the very same mirror she was looking in this morning.

She lifted up her top to see if she'd looked any bigger. Thoughts ran through her head. Did Harry think she looked overweight? "What was he thinking when he was holding me" she thought. Again tears sliped down her cheeks.


She turned to see her lover.

"Harry, shouldn't you Be at lunch?" She wiped the tears and tucked in her shirt. "What's going on? Why are you crying." He moved foward to hold her but she stepped back. "Why do you keep pushing me away?" His voice raised a little.

"Do I look overweight to you?" The question had slipped out. Harry's face had dropped when she said it. "No why would you think that?"

That was it. The tears just kept coming and coming.

"Out of all girls you picked me? Why? There's nothing pretty about me? You could of had Ginny she's perfect for you. Perfect body. She's bloody gorgeous unlike me." She took a breath "I hate myslef Harry. Look at me I'm a disaster!" She shouted. "I'm so fucking ugly, so fat and just disgusting" she cried.

"Y/n you have no idea how wrong you are. Love your perfect. In every way shape or form. Your not fat or ugly. Your beautiful. That cute little laugh you have, that smile" he walked closer to her. Wrapping her arms around her. "No one's perfect" she looked away from him. "But your perfect to me" He forced her to look at him. "I fell in love with you because of how nice and caring you are. How beautiful you are. I love every little thing about you and that includes your body."
Y/n had let out a little smile as Harry wiped her tears away.

"I love you, so much" y/n said pulling him into a kiss. "I love you too, always."

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