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 Hi there, I'm a new writer with some other stuff I'm doing

So here are some info cards (edited) from google docs since that is where I did most of my countryhumans AU stories but i'd like advice as well.

(UPDATE) okay so went off track so these teams are changed so the Autopsy team is now the Medical groups and yes they will be groups instead and the Detective team is off because only one chapter would be around them and another chapter would mention it so yeah sorry for these news. And i decided to remove Latvia from this since i forgot her/his info card.

...............................................................Medical group.


Weirdly enough, Denmark is already numb to the gruesome scenes of doing an autopsy since the first day of their training. And whenever United/USA comes around he always jokes around about United's healthcare even doing operations. They are chill and can do basically anything that's in the medical field. But he had trauma as well such as witnessing so much in WW2 that his numbness came and he personally check up on Germany every day in fear that one problem might just restart his trauma



Upbeat and easily disturbed, Laos only works in the autopsy team because that's the only thing he has a degree in but he never got over the uneasy feeling he has always felt. Laos doesn't have trauma or usual schedules to secure numbness over him as he just recently joined the team and most of the time when they are done with the autopsy, he goes to the nearest bathroom to throw up.



Works in the autopsy team,He isn't really numb but sort of when it comes to gruesome crimes and doing autopsies on a highly distorted body. Canada just swallows his vomit before it comes out so he isn't disgusted by bodies but he does feel nauseous but he doesn't mind since it is his job isn't he? He's kind as a stranger but when he knows you and you know him, He isn't kind but rather rude and very much weird (Mostly with reminders) but if you know him like United/USA then you'd find him a bit psycho.



People joke around Chile saying he's a snake but you would not like hearing him be pissed off and yelling at you in Chilean Spanish. The only reason that Chile works in the autopsy team is so that he can get at least paid other than his brothers most of the time. Like Laos, Chile's other reason is that he had a degree in that medical field and often comes along with Laos to throw up in the bathroom after each autopsy. He has a medium fuse when it comes to anger and he's fine in mental health yet he never received the numbness in autopsies for 6 years.



She is the first girl on the team but she prefers her information to be kept secret so that's why her info card is short.

Police Force...............................................................


No surprise right? He is the top ranked in the safest countries after all but he is extremely strict for a policeman or should i say chief because he is. That's why all the police are in order. They fear the punishments Qatar gives them, So much so that they even compare Qatar to military boot camp officers. But they strangely know every single time and hear every whisper through walls or maybe even rooms and pinpoint the exact person and their location that makes fun of them or makes a remark. You can probably already guess what he does when he finds the person. Punishment of course. Though its rare when he is chill because he just can alright? It's not like he's been born always being mad though he does have a millimeter of string for a fuse. Forgot to mention this story is sort of political but never politically accurate you know.



To keep in mind, I do not support any russian propaganda or victories such and such since this is only for F-U-N and for me to pass the time when i'm lonely so yeah. Russia is only in the Police Force because Kazakhstan convinced them and they literally do nothing but they get assigned to keep the crime scene under control and keep anyone out but they are always so late that either Kazakhstan or Latvia have to take over for him while they get ready and in uniform with the proper equipment to go in there but they also work part time as a elite force. He has to do some midnight jobs but when he oversleeps Germany is the one to wake them up.



He is the one who convinced Russia into the police force but he is both proud of it and regrets it. He always has to take over for Russia whenever he is late and he has to wake him up on some days when he oversleeps but in a moment of emergency, he just dumps water on Russia and gives them the equipment and badge and just drags them out of the bed and on to work. He, like everyone, doesn't find love in anyone. Kazakh always has to help Russia but he never really minds anymore since it commonly happens now.


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